    摘   要 船舶是一种主要在地理水域中运行的人造交通工具,其结构十分复杂,主要由壳体,轴系,螺旋桨等部分组成。当船舶在水域航行时,船体结构将不可避免的受到外界激励作用,从而产生不同程度的振动。船舶的振动情况影响着船舶的发展,目前,随着我国船舶业的不断发展,对于船舶低振化的要求越来越高。 本文以 SUBOFF 潜艇为研究对象对船舶的壳体-轴系-螺旋桨系统进行分析研究。通过参数化方式对螺旋桨-轴系-壳体进行建模,利用有限元分析软件对桨-轴-艇系统进行强度分析,模态分析和谐响应分析,确定其强度以及振动特性。论文主要内容包括: 1.桨-轴系-壳体系统模型建立。针对螺旋桨参数化建模较难的问题,根据螺旋桨相关知识,对螺旋桨的参数化建模进行研究,采用三维建模软件 SolidWorks 建立螺旋桨模型。接着建立推进轴以及船舶模型 SUBOFF 模型,最后研究建立桨-轴-艇的耦合模型。 2.在所建模型基础上对模型的强度、固有频率和振型以及共振频率进行有限元分析,通过分块Lanxzos 法分析推进轴系,壳体以及耦合系统在特定频率范围内的固有频率及模态振型。在模态分析的结果上利用模态叠加法对耦合系统进行谐响应分析,分析研究其在简谐激励的作用下的谐位移,研究耦合系统的共振频率。 3.在耦合模型基础上对系统结构进行调整,添加环形加强筋,对比分析环形筋对壳体以及耦合系统的模态振型及固有频率的影响,同时改变系统的弹簧刚度以及材料密度,分析弹簧刚度和材料密度对耦合系统的模态振型及固有频率的影响。最后对添加环形筋的耦合系统通过模态叠加法进行谐响应分析,对比分析其与之前的耦合系统的谐位移的变化情况,分析环形加强筋对耦合系统的作用。 最后,对本论文的研究工作、主要创新点进行简要总结,并对未来的研究进行展望。 58560
    毕业论文关键字 :螺旋桨;振动;有限元分析;模态分析;谐响应分析
    Abstract Shipping is a man-made vehicle which mainly runs in geographic waters,its structure is extremely complicated,it mainly consists of shell,shafting,propeller and other components.When shipping is sailing in the waters, the hull structure will be inevitably influenced by external incentives, which may result in varous degrees of vibration. Vibration of the shipping affects the development of the ship, at present, with the continuous development of China's shipbuilding industry, for low vibration of the ship have become increasingly demanding. This article will do research on ship’s  shell  -  shafting  -  propeller system  based on SUBOFF submarine.Through parameterization of the propeller - shafting - shell modeling, then with the utilize of finite element analysis software ,do research on propeller - shafting -  shell system strength analysis, modal analysis and harmonic response analysis to determine the strength and vibration characteristics. The conducted investigations in this thesis are listed as followes. 1.The  establishment of the  prtopeller-shafting-shell  system model.First,for the problem of propeller parametric modeling,with the knowledge of propeller,the parametric modeling  of propeller will be introduced,introduce the process of propeller model in modeling software Solidworks.Then,  describes the  process of  of establishing  propeller shaft and the SUBOFF  model  briefly.Finaly,describe the coupling of propeller-shafting-shell system. 2.Based on the model which is established,the system will be  finite element analyzed,using Block Lanczos method  to analyze the static strength,the natural frequency and modal  shapes  of  propeller shaft system,  shell  and coupled  system within a specific range of    frequencies. On the results of the modal analysis of the coupled system  do harmonic analysis with Modal superposition method, do research on its displacement under harmonic excitation effect, analyze the resonance frequency of coupling system. 3.Based on coupling system, modify the shell, add annular ribs, compare the different impact  on modal  shapes and natural frequencies of the  shell  and coupled system.  Then change the spring stiffness of the system and the density of material, analyze the influence of stiffness of the spring on coupling system modal shapes and natural frequencies. Finally, add the annular rib to the coupling system and do harmonic response analysis with Modal superposition method,  do  research  on  harmonic displacement  and compared with  the previous system, analyze the influence of annular rib to the coupled system. Finally, conclusions of this thesis are  summarized.Contribution and further investigations are presented.  KeyWords:  propeller  vibration;  finite element  analysis;  modal analysis;  harmonic response analysis  
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