

    毕业论文关键词  5.8mm  自动武器  高射速


    Title  The overall design scheme of 5.8mm high speed rifle                     

    Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the 5.8mm high speed rifle scheme, the work principle of 5.8mm high speed rifle, characteristic analysis of  5.8mm high speed rifle. In this paper, the main parts of 5.8mm high speed rifle was explained briefly the design and calculation, and mainly introduces the speed improvement means, on the main body, is to use SolidWorks software to make the three dimensional model, main parts of the gun are two-dimensional engineering drawings. The principle of 5.8mm, high speed automatic rifle manufacturing requirements and design requirements are analyzed, the motion characteristics of high rate of rifle makes a quantitative and qualitative analysis, the various components of the strength of the parts is a simple check.

    Keywords  5.8mm    Automatic Weapon    High-Speed

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题背景 1

    1.2  课题研究现状 1

    1.3  课题的理论意义 3

    1.4  课题的主要工作及本文的主要内容 3

    2  设计方案构思 5

    2.1  武器的主要技术特征和指标 5

    2.2  提高射速的具体手段 5

    2.3  供弹方案 6

    2.4  自动方式与闭锁方式 7

    2.5  机匣内部总体布局设计 8

    2.6  本章小结 8

    3  自动机方案设计 8

    3.1  自动机相关运动参数计算 8

    3.2  枪机 10

    3.3  枪机框结构分析 12

    3.4  推弹凸隼结构 14

    4  复进簧与缓冲簧 19

    4.1  复进簧的分析计算 19

    4.2  缓冲簧的分析计算 21

    4.3  复进簧与缓冲簧在机匣中的安装位置 24

    5  枪管内膛设计 25

    5.1  弹膛设计 25

    5.2  线膛设计 29

    5.3  枪管壁内的应力与应变 31

    6  发射机构和击针 34

    6.1  发射机构动作 34

    6.2  发射机构强度

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