    关键词:矩形抛物面 有限元仿真分析 参数组合 正交试验
    Title   Finite Element Analysis and Process Analysis of Deep Drawing of Reflectors                               

    Deep drawing is one of the most important operations in sheet metal forming. There are numerous factors affecting the drawing process and preventing to reach the desired drawing height. A car headlamp reflector with rectangular-parabolic surface is chosen as the research object of deep drawing.
    Firstly, the mechanism of deep drawing of the non-axisymmetric parts is studied. Then, finite element model of the reflector is established. Moreover, the finite element analysis simulation of parts are conducted, whose shapes are rectangular parabolic. Finally, tests are conducted to find the suitable combination of parameters, Which include parameters of dies, parameters of draw-beads, the blank holder force and the velocity of the punch. Methods of designing the stamping process of complex shapes parts are explored. The available combination of parameters is found by orthogonal tests.
    Key words:  Rectangular-parabolic surface; Finite element analysis simulation; Combination of parameters; Orthogonal test
    目   次
    1绪论    1
    1.1本课题的研究背景    1
    1.2国内外研究现状    1
    1.3本文的主要内容和组织结构    4
    2.矩形抛物面的拉深成形的理论分析    6
    2.1矩形抛物面的特点    6
    2.2影响拉深成形的主要因素    7
    2.3拉深成形失效主要形式    9
    2.4 缺陷的解决措施    10
    2.5本章小结    11
    3 矩形抛物面有限元建模方法    12
    3.1 有限元模拟板料拉深过程    12
    3.2 坯料尺寸计算与形状设计    14
    3.3  模具三文设计    16
    3.4拉深成形有限元模拟    16
    3.5 后处理评价    18
    3.6 本章小结    22
    4矩形抛物面拉深成形单因素仿真分析    23
    4.1 仿真试验的总体设计    23
    4.2板厚影响的仿真与分析    24
    4.3压边力影响的仿真与分析    27
    4.4长宽比影响的仿真与分析    30
    4.5 凹凸模圆角影响的仿真与分析    32
    4.6 直壁转角半径影响的仿真与分析    35
    4.7拉延筋影响的仿真与分析    37
    4.8本章小结    42
    5 拉深成形的多因素正交优化    43
    5.1 正交优化试验安排及结果    43
    5.2 正交优化试验结果分析    44
    5.3 正交优化分析结果验证    49
    结论    51
    致谢    52
    参考文献    53
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