


    毕业论文关键词  迫击炮弹  二维修正  脉冲发动机

    Title   The Design and Research of Lateral Pulse Jet Based on the 82mm Mortar


    Mortar is a kind of guns commonly used along with the infantry, whose task is to destroy the effectives and fortifications of the enemy. In the past it played a large role in the war and in the future it is still a very important weapon in the war. The mortar has many advantages, but its dispersion limits the use and development of mortar. Fortunately, the development of the trajectory correction projectile, especially the lateral pulse jets control mechanism, has given a hope for accurate of mortars.

    In this paper, after studying the development and achievements of the lateral pulse jet, the author has proposed a kind of pulse control mechanism based on a kind of mortar and has described its composition and how it works. I have constructed a 3-D model using PRO/E, conducted the strength analysis using ANSYS, and emulated the external ballistic of the trajectory correction using MATLAB.

    Key words   mortar   2-D trajectory correction   lateral pulse jets

    摘要 I


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题背景 1

    1.2  脉冲发动机及弹道修正原理 1

    1.3  国内外发展现状 2

    1.3.1  国外发展现状 2

    1.3.2  国内发展现状 3

    1.4  研究内容 3

    2  迫击炮弹的构造及设计 5

    2.1  迫击炮弹的构造(尾翼稳定迫弹) 5

    2.1.1  迫击炮弹的弹体 5

    2.1.2  稳定装置 7

    2.2  迫击炮弹的设计(82MM迫击炮弹) 8

    2.2.2  弹头部的设计 8

    2.2.3  弹体圆柱部的设计 8

    2.2.4  下弹体(弹尾部)的设计 9

    2.2.5  稳定装置的设计 9

    2.3  本章小结 10

    3  脉冲发动机介绍及设计 11

    3.1  脉冲发动机(脉冲推力器)介绍 11

    3.1.1  点火具式脉冲推力器 12

    3.1.2  发动机式脉冲推力器 14

    3.2  脉冲发动机的设计 16

    3.2.1  喷口位置的选择和计算

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