

    毕业论文关键词  加工中心  竖直进给系统  滚珠丝杠  有限元分析


    Title  Design of Vertical Feed System on Machining Center  And Analysis of Static and Dynamic Characteristics                                              

    Abstract Feed processing center system design is a key part of the design, servo feed system optimization design will enhance the machining center machining precision and quality. In this paper a detailed analysis of a vertical Z-axis vertical machining center feed system design methods and calculation procedures, on which the main components of the servo motor, ball screw, rolling guide, couplings were calculated selection, and the design of checking the accuracy of the results, to meet the accuracy requirements. Machining center designed uprights and mechanical movement structure, the movement has a reasonable support. Based on Pro / E vertical feeding system draws three-dimensional model, and using ABAQUS finite element analysis software and the main components and columns by rows of rigid analysis to ensure that the design is reasonable and reliable.

    Keywords  Machining Center   Vertical Feed System    Ball Screw   FEA

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究的目的和意义 1

    1.2  国内立式加工中心的发展现状 2

    1.3  本文的研究内容 4

    2  立式加工进给系统设计 5

    2.1  加工中心主要参数...............................................6

    2.2  轴向载荷的分析和计算 6

    2.3  滚珠丝杠副及其支承的选取 7

    2.4  伺服电机的选型 11

    2.5  惯量匹配计算 11

    2.6  加速力矩计算 12

    2.7  性能指标验证 13

    2.7.1  定位精度验算 13

    2.7.2  最大死区误差 14

    2.8  小结 14

    3 导轨和立柱设计 15

    3.1 直线导轨的设计选择 15

    3.2 机床立柱设计 16

    4  有限元分析 18

    4.1  有限元法的基本思想 18

    4.2  ABAQUS软件介绍 19

    4.3  模态分析简介 19

    4.4  立柱静力分析和模态分析

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