


    关键词  离合器从动盘  摩擦片  从动盘毂  设计  校核


    Title  Clutch plate of AMT used in passenger car          


    This graduation design is mainly the clutch platen assembly design, to grasp the method of assembly design of each component in the process, including 3D modeling and two-dimensional engineering drawing and simple finite element analysis. Platen is mainly composed of platen ontology, friction plate and clutch plate hub.

      In the calculation,accords to the requirements to determine diameter size and pressure of the friction plate plate structure.Then according to the size, have the other components assembly calculated and designed.With the calculation of the friction plate and diameter size,chose structure type of clutch plate.Then carry out static analysisafter getting the size driven disc.This design requires three-dimensional modeling,construct machinery parts design platform by using HyperWork software to have Solid modeling and finite element analysis done.,to predict the most dangerous position of clutch parts. 

    Keywords  clutch  clutch plate  friction plate  driven plate hub  design     and check

     目   次 

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景 1

    1.2  离合器的现状与发展趋势 1

    1.3  课题研究目的与意义 2

    1.4  课题研究内容 2

    2  离合器主要参数选择 3

    2.1  给定初始设计参数 3

    2.2  从动盘结构选择 3

    2.3  离合器转矩容量Te 3

    2.3.1  假设压盘压力均匀分布 3

    2.3.2  假设压盘压力从Ri到R0递减 3

    2.4  离合器转矩容量与发动机最大转矩的基本性能关系 3

    3  离合器基本结构尺寸和参数的确定 4

    3.1  离合器后备系数β确定 4

    3.2  摩擦系数μ的确定 4

    3.3  摩擦片外径D的确定 6

    3.4  单位压力p的确定 6

    4  离合器从动盘结构设计与计算 7

    4.1  从动盘结构组成与选型 7

    4.2  从动盘总成设计 8

    4.3  从动盘毂 10

    4.3.1  花键的形状尺寸

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