

    毕业论文关键词  装药  外弹道  气动参数   内弹道


    Title The overall design of 182mm forest fire bombs 

    Abstract This paper study the original 182mm forest fire bombs in order to improve the overall design of fire bombs, aerodynamic layout, rocket motor design and structural design .based on Runge - Kutta method and particle trajectory equations, we make use of air power, internal and external ballistics related knowledge to write the calculation program included aerodynamic parameters ,interface and external ballistics by visual basic software.The prototype bombs and the improved bombs can be calculated through the vb program.After calculation,we take advantage of the data to provide a method of the overall design and improve,which can support the experiment of the actual fire bombs and play the role of performance estimates.We can not only reduce the funding for the experiment , but also shorten the time of fire bombs with the paper and program.

    Keywords  Propellant   interior ballistic  aerodynamic parameters    outer ballistic


    1 引言 1

    1.1 研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究情况 2

    1.2.1 森林火灾 2

    1.2.2 国内研究情况 2

    1.2.3 国外研究情况 3

    1.3 本文研究内容与工作 4

    2 182mm灭火弹总体设计与改进 6

    2.1 182mm灭火弹组成 6

    2.2 182mm灭火弹改进前与改进后的设计 6

    2.3 总程序界面介绍及说明 6

    3 空气动力参数计算 8

    3.1 升力系数计算 8

    3.1.1 法向力系数计算 8

    3.1.2 零攻角时的阻力系数 8

    3.2 阻力系数计算 9

    3.3 压力中心系数与稳定储备量计算 9

    3.4 弹的俯仰力矩系数计算 10

    3.5 弹的导转力矩和平衡转速计算 10

    3.6 赤道阻尼力矩系数计算 11

    3.7 空气动力参数程序计算及分析 11

    3.7.1 空气动力参数程序界面说明 11

    3.7.2 空气动力参数计算结果及数据分析 12

    4 外弹道计算 18

    4.1 质心运动的基本假设 18

    4.2 重力、推力及其加速度

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