

    毕业论文关键词  缓冲固体火箭发动机  总体结构  装药结构  空降系统


    Title   System Design of Landing Buffer Solid Rocket Motor for the Air-drop Platform          


    In the 1950's, the solid rocket broke through a lot in the technical field , and the solid rocket motor was widely used in ballistic missiles and launch vehicles. The appearance of the Landing Buffer solid rocket motor  has opened a new direction of development with a lot of potential applications in the aerospace and military fields. This paper mainly introduces the principle and the key technology of the system of the landing buffer solid rocket motor for the air-drop platform and expounds the development and its current situation.Finish the design of the system of the landing buffer solid rocket motor for the air-drop platform and the rocket engine general structure, propellant structure design, the combustion chamber design, nozzle design, the ignition system design and interior ballistic calculation. At the same time, complete the computational analysis of the designed system. The research results of this paper hope to build a solid foundation for the development of high-performance solid rocket motor and the technology of high weight air-drop platform system.

    Keywords  Landing Buffer solid rocket motor  The overall structure   Propellant structure  Air-drop system

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题的研究背景 1

    1.2  相关领域的研究进展 1

    1.3  固体火箭发动机的基本组成 3

    1.4  本论文的主要工作 4

    2  空降平台缓冲火箭系统设计及原理 6

    2.1  空降平台缓冲火箭系统 6

    2.2  缓冲系统各部分分析 6

    2.3  空降平台缓冲火箭系统原理及步骤 7

    3  缓冲火箭发动机总体设计 9

    3.1  课题设计要求 9

    3.2  发动机结构 10

    3.3  发动机推进剂设计 11

    3.4  发动机燃烧室设计 14

    3. 5  发动机喷管设计 19

    3. 6  点火装置的设计 22

    3. 7  设计小结 23

    4  内弹道的计算 25

    4. 1  内弹道计算的基本方程 25

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