


    毕业论文关键词:弹道修正 结构设计 弹道模型 强度分析 修正特点


    Title The structural design of one-dimensional trajectory correction components


    In modern battlefield, the trajectory correction projectiles formed by improving conventional ammunition are playing an important role, which not only have the higher attack precision, but also decrease the cost of the projectiles, far less than the missiles.

    In understanding on the basis of the one-dimensional trajectory correction ammunition development of all countries, put forward a new type of one dimension trajectory correction plan, expounds its system composition and working principle, and with the background of a certain type of rocket, using Pro/E software to establish 3 d model and general structure of design of projectile; Ballistic mathematical model of the projectile is established using MATLAB software, the simulation calculation by the one-dimensional trajectory correction scheme of the projectile trajectory correction ability; At the same time, the resistance mechanism are calculated by using ANSYS software to analysis the dangerous section of the intensity of whether meet the requirements. In this paper, the research for the one dimensional trajectory correction shell to provide a theoretical basis.

    Keywords: trajectory correction, structure design, strength analysis, trajectory model, correction characteristics 

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题研究的背景及意义 1

    1.2  一维弹道修正弹的概念 2

    1.3  国内外弹道修正弹的研究现状 2

    1.4  本文的研究目的、方法和主要研究内容 4

    2  一维弹道修正弹修正机构的设计与分析 5

    2.1  修正机构的修正原理 5

    2.2  阻力修正机构结构设计要求 6

    2.3  阻力修正机构的作用过程 6

    2.4  阻力修正机构的结构设计 7

    2.5  本章小结 9

    3  一维弹道修正弹阻尼片的强度校核 10

    3.1  阻尼片的强度分析 10

    3.2  阻尼片根部的强度校核 16

    3.3  本章小结 18

    4  一维弹道修正弹的修正能力仿真分析 19

    4.1  弹丸质点运动方程的建立 19

    4.2  弹道计算分析 24

    4.3  本章小结 29

    结  论

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