

    毕业论文关键词  方位探测  电机  电磁抗干扰  激光引信


    Title   Fuze Azimuth Detection Technology Using Motor Rotation And Anti-jamming Method  


    Due to the power consumption of conventional ammunition space and system constraints,Laser proximity fuze used in the process of conventional ammunition,it can not arrange a plurality of lasers and a plurality of laser receivers,meanwhile, the system requires a structure as simple as possible,therefore, the traditional layout of the beam can not be used directly.Now we have designed a new type of single-beam large field pulse rotates the circumferential scanning program.Combined magnetic inspection detection module, I manufacture an initial prototype, which can effectively reduce the footprint of conventional ammunition fuzes rate and system power consumption.For motor electromagnetic interference factors, people using a variety of methods to shield the electromagnetic signals of the echo signal interference, the paper carried out anti-electromagnetic interference experiment results show that these programs can effectively shield the motor electromagnetic interference.

    Keywords  azimuth probing motors   electromagnetic interference  laser fuze

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题研究的背景 1

    1.2  激光引信方位探测的重要意义 2

    1.3  磁电检测技术 3

    1.4  行文安排 4

    2  激光引信方位探测技术研究 6

    2.1  激光引信双向驱动单发单收大视场探测方案设计 6

    2.2  激光引信方位角检测系统 7

    3  激光引信方位探测中电机的选择 18

    3.1  电机的发展与应用 18

    3.2  电机的比较选择 19

    4  旋转电机的电磁干扰研究 22

    4.1  电机的电磁干扰产生分析 22

    4.2  电机的电磁干扰抑制 22

    5  电磁干扰抑制实验和方位检测样机 27

    5.1  激光引信方位检测电路样机 27

    5.2  电动机电磁干扰抑制实验 29

    结       论 32

    致       谢 33

    参考文献 34

     1  引言

    1.1  课题研究的背景


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