


    毕业论文关键词  爆炸力学 展开式定向战斗部  殉爆  数值仿真  LS-DYNA   Matlab


    Title  Study of the Sympathetic Detonation for the Main Charge of the Evolvable Aimed Warhead

    Abstract  The Evolvable Aimed Warhead is a warhead which increases the gain in fragment mass rely on the warhead’s expansion.Its Main Charge was detonated when the warhead expanded into ideal angle of space.In order to prevent the Sympathetic Detonation of the Main Charge when the Auxiliary Charge detonated.This paper mainly studied the law of which affected the shock wave attenuation from three aspects,which meaned proof layer thickness,the type of the material of proof layer and the donor explosive charge.Firstly, a simplified model for the Evolvable Aimed Warhead through the software LS-DYNA was established for the numerical simulation.Secondly,Matlab was used for theoretical calculations.Then numerical simulations were compared with theoretical analysis.Combined with the critical pressure criterion of explosive’s impact detonating,the main factors affecting the sympathetic detonation for the Main Charge were obtained. Afterwards,the most appropriate type of the Main Charge and the parameters of proof layer were found, in order to provide evidence to design the evolvable aimed warhead.

       The results showed that the pressure of the Main Charge was decreased along with the thickness of proof layer increases.But the attenuation potency dimension of the shock wave pressure was less obvious.Besides,It’s different from the attenuation of the shock wave pressure when the type of the material of proof layer was different.In a reasonable range of the thickness,the Polyurethane Foam’s proof performance was best,follow by the Epoxy,the steel and aluminum was worst.So the proof layer material should be selected the Polyurethane Foam.In addition ,the effect of the shock wave attenuation was found to be most obvious when the Main Charge is 8701,COMP-B followed,and the PBX9404 was not obvious.However the critical pressure of the 8701 was smaller than the PBX9404,So we chose the PBX9404 as the Main Charge of the Evolvable Aimed Warhead.

    Keywords   Evolvable  Aimed  Warhead   sympathetic detonation    theoretical analysis    LS-DYNA    Matlab 

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