

    毕业论文关键词  仪表盖  ABS  注塑成型  模具设计


    Title    The injection mold design of thin plastic baseplate                     

    Abstract In recent years, plastic production has become more widely used. The plastic industry develops rapidly. Plastic mold is the necessary equipment to product plastic production. The graduation project's main task is to design the injection mold of thin plastic baseplate. The project finished the design of thin baseplate part, selection of mold structure and injection molding machine, the design of parting surface,gating system , mold part, clamping mechanism, ejecting mechanism and temperature control system,and so on. The software of Solidworks— Simulation ,gives out the stress simulation and proves the feasibility of the mold design. All the design and simulation  proves the injection mold design of the ABS  plastic instrument cover reasonable and feasible. 

    Keywords  instrument cover ; ABS ; injection molding ; mold design

    1  引言 2

    2  注塑材料及塑件成型工艺性的分析 2

    2.1   注塑材料的分析 3

    2.2   塑件的成型工艺分析 5

    3  注塑成型方案设计 7

    3.1  型腔数量确定 7

    3.2  型腔的布置 8

    3.3  分型面及其选择 8

    4  注塑成型模具结构设计 9

    4.1  标准模架的选用 9

    4.2  注塑机的选择 10

    4.2.1  注塑机的基本参数 10

    4.2.2  注塑机的选择 11

    4.3  浇注系统设计 12

    4.3.1  主流道的设计 13

    4.3.2  分流道的设计 13

    4.3.3  浇口的设计 14

    4.3.4  冷料穴与拉料杆 16

    4.4成型零部件结构设计 16

    4.5  成型零部件尺寸设计 18

    4.6  合模导向机构设计 22

    4.7  脱模机构设计 23

    4.7.1  脱模力的计算 23

    4.7.2  推杆脱模机构 24

    4.7.3  脱模板脱模结构 25

    4.8  温度调节系统设计 25

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