



    毕业论文关键词  注塑模具  PC  收缩率


    Title    joint sleeve injection mold design                    

    Abstract The plastic molding is all kinds of plastic raw materials will be made into need to the shape of the process. This design through in joint sleeve injection molds design, according to the characteristics of plastic parts ABS material and product use requirement of product process analysis.  First,analysis of forming scheme design,and then mold design to lay the foundation.

    Injection mould including formwork, injection molding systems, molding parts,, the injection molding machine, demoulding mechanism and cooling units. The core content of this design is  the structure of the components of molding ,size calculation and the design of molding parts size calculation . And the main basis of the average product material shrinkage is molding parts size calculation .

    In addition to design the computation part, the parameters of mould of checking and mold assembly is necessary in the content. Finally through the finite element analysis software to mold work force situation to carry on the analysis, ensure the rationality and validity of the design.

    Keywords  Injection mould  PC  Shrinkage rate

    1  引言 1

    2.产品结构工艺性分析 2

    2.1材料分析 3

    2.2塑件的工艺分析 5

    3. 注射成型方案分析 7

    3.1  分型面 7

    3.2  型腔数的确定 8

    4  模具的结构设计 9

    4.1模架的选取 9

    4.2  注塑机的选择 10

    4.3 浇注系统设计 13

    4.4 成型零部件的设计 18

    4.5 脱模机构的设计 26

    4.6 侧向分型与抽芯机构 29

    4.7 模具冷却装置的设计 31

    5  注塑机与模具各参数的校核 34

    5.1  注塑机的校核 34

    5.2  模具闭合高度的校核 36

    5.3  模具开模行程的校核 36

    6  模具的工作原理 37

    7  模具的装配 38

    7.1  模具的装配顺序 39


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