




    Based on the numerical simulation of air compressor  cooling ventilation ICEM modeling Fluent safety design

    Abstract: The air compressor is the main body of the core equipment of the pneumatic system. It is a device that converts the mechanical energy of the motor into the gas pressure energy. Air compressor is the basic products of the industrial modernization, with the rapid development of the deepening of the global economic integration, science and technology, air compressor is used more and more widely, used in machinery, electronic chemical, biological medicine, food, iron and steel, petrochemical, and other new energy sources industry.   

    However, in the use of air compressor, also produced a lot of problems, the most important is the air compressor ventilation cooling problem. Air comThe air compressor is the main body of the core equipment of the pneumatic system. It is a device that converts the mechanical energy of the motor into the gas pressure energy. Air compressor is the basic products of the industrial modernization, with the rapid development of the deepening of the global economic integration, science and technology, air compressor is used more and more widely, used in machinery, electronic chemical, biological medicine, food, iron and steel, petrochemical, and other new energy sources industry.  pressor can provide stable flow of pressure fluctuations. With a stable rotation, high efficiency characteristics. At run time will work gas compression, transmission and expansion, in this process will produce a lot of heat, the higher the pressure, the greater the gas production, the higher the heat generated. If the heat can not be taken away in time, will cause the air temperature is too high, resulting in air compressor operating efficiency is reduced, down, and even cause damage to equipment, motor burning and other accidents. Therefore, it is necessary to study the safe ventilation and heat dissipation of air compressor in the air compressor.

    This paper makes use of fluid dynamics simulation software of CFD, numerical simulation method, for the study on the suitable position of exhaust outlet of air compressor ventilation effect. This design adopts natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation combined form, excluding in air compressor radiates heat.

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