


    毕业论文关键词  改造  导轨  蜗杆减速  电气控制


    Title     The transformation of laboratory electric door              

    Abstract This task of this paper is the renovation design of laboratory door based on existing laboratory door. The actual lab door requires meeting the needs of security, weatherproof, corrosion, elegant appearance, simple operation and easy maintenance. 

    According to the above requirements, I make an on-the-spot investigation , refer to relevant data, conduct a detailed feasibility studies, structural design, detailed component design, electrical control system design, mechanical strength check. This design uses the hanging laboratory door and rope is used to pull the door on the rail movement. Using worm reducer, motor drives, a corresponding electrical control system is designed. The door is equipped with flashings, doorbell and other auxiliary facilities. Finally, one of the key components of the strength and rigidity check is conducted. The design achieve the effect opening and closing the door with one complete motor and ensure that the door works normally in complex environments. Meanwhile, the reliability of the door has also been guaranteed.

    Keywords  transform  guide  worm reducer  electrical control

    目   录

    1 绪论 2

    1.1 电动门概述 2

    1.1.1 电动门及其发展 2

    1.1.2 电动门的各项功能 2

    1.1.3 电动门分类 3

    1.1.4 电动门材质 3

    1.1.5电动门构成 4

    2 电动门的设计 4

    2.1 电动门的设计要求 4

    2.2 电动门的设计流程 5

    2.3电动门的具体设计 6

    2.3.1 采集数据 6

    2.3.2 明确要求 6

    2.3.3 初步方案 7

    2.3.4 改进方案 8

    2.3.5 参数设计 8

    3 关键部位的校核 25

    3.1 摩擦阻力计算 25

    3.2 钢丝绳安全系数校核 26

    3.3 蜗轮蜗杆校核 27

    3.3.1 强度校核 27

    3.3.2 刚度校核 29

    3.3.3 蜗杆传动精度等级选择 30

    结 论

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