

    毕业论文关键词 :可靠性分析  电动车  维修管理


    Title   Electric Bicycle Reliability Analysis and Maintenance Management System Design                     


    With the air pollution is increased seriously and an increasing demand for means of transport ,the zero-emission electric bicycle has been paid more and more attention. Only the electric bicycle ,that is durable and with high reliability ,can survive in the market. To improve the reliability of electric bicycles, failure mode analysis (FMA) and reliability model analysis are used to get the parts and machine’s reliability of the electric bicycle . According to the reliability of electric bicycle, design an electric bicycle maintenance management process, make a a comprehensive on security, economic efficiency and maintenance costs of maintenance strategy .The strategy must be a Life cycle cost optimization , low product failure rates and greater profit margins .

    Keywords : Reliability Analysis  electric bicycle  maintenance management



    1 绪论 1

    2 电动车可靠性分析 2

    2.1 电动车结构分析 2

    2.1.1 机械部分结构分析 2

    2.1.2 电气部分结构分析 3

    2.2 电动车失效模式分析 6

    2.2.1 机械部分失效模式分析 6

    2.2.2  电气部分失效模式分析 7

    2.3  电动车故障树分析(FTA) 10

    2.3.1 电机故障树 11

    2.3.2 刹车故障树 11

    2.3.3 控制器故障树 11

    2.3.4电池故障树 11

    3 电动车可靠性模型 16

    3.1 电动车可靠性框图的建立 16

    3.1.1 整车可靠性框图 16

    3.1.2 控制器可靠性框图 16

    3.1.3 电机可靠性框图 17

    3.1.4 电池可靠性框图 18

    3.1.5 刹车的可靠性框图 19

    3.2 电动车可靠度R(t)计算 19

    3.3 电动车可靠性分析结果 21

    4 电动车维修管理体系设计 22

    4.1 电动车维修管理服务流程 22

    4.2 电动车备件管理 22

    4.3 电动车维修分类 22

    4.3.1 事后维修

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