

    毕业论文关键词  零部件供应商  选址  双层规划模型  遗传算法


    Title Study on the planning model for location of parts suppliers


    This paper is to research the model of the location of parts suppliers.

    Location play a pre-critical and essential role in a business's building and operation.If the parts suppliers want to keep their competitive  without being eliminated by the market ,they must make efforts in all aspects.As a critical and essential part before a business established, choosing a right location is very important to supplier.  For now,there are two methods to solve the location problem,which is comprehensive evaluation method and mathematical model law.There are heavy subjective factors occurring in the comprehensive evaluation method .Because people is easy to follow their own experiences and perspectives to look at the problem when using this method.So the reliability of results causing by this method is not very   high.Considering from the perspective of fees and costs,the mathematical model law with a goal of minimize costs first set the objective function and constraints and then establish an appropriate mathematical programming model.This paper considers both the suppliers's location costs and distribution costs and then came to a conclusion about the optimal sitting programs and transportation routes by using bi-level  programming  model.

    Keywords    parts suppliers   location   bi-level programming model   

    single genetic

    目   次

    目   次 I

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 选址的研究现状 2

    1.3 选址的研究现状 2

    2 双层规划模型 4

    2.1 双层规划的产生 4

    2.2 双层规划的特点 4

    2.3 双层规划的应用 5

    2.4 双层规划模型的建立 5

    2.5 双层规划的求解方法 7

    3 遗传算法

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