



    We select the horizontal mixer as our main type because the design is mainly used to  stir soup of magnesium chloride plus wood.First,we need to choose a general plan. Then the design of vital components is needed. It is made up of mixing device, stirring drive system, feeding, unloading system, rack and walking systems.Design of the main content is concrete mixer rack design, These mainly include: rack structure of the programme of identification, rack between all the components determine the location of, all the components on the rack and rack of connections and installation of position, the determination of rack form factor, the selection frame steel structure . Checking the stability of the rack, complete plans and parts rack assembly plans.Then,choosing a electrical motor and reducer is a must.The section of simulation is aimed to get the chart of contous of statio pressure by using the software named fluent.At last,the misson is to discuss about the design according to the result of the simulation.The mission completed in time,and the simulation succeeded.

    Key words:Horizontal mixer;Two phases; Simulation of fluid; Fluent


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 搅拌机的介绍 1

    1.1.1 搅拌器的主要类型及其发展概况 1

    1.1.2 搅拌机的工作原理 2

    1.1.3 化工搅拌器的适应条件 3

    1.1.4 化工搅拌器的构造 3

    1.2 国内外研究现状、存在问题及发展趋势 4

    1.4 本文主要内容 6

    第二章 卧式搅拌机总体结构及零部件的设计 8

    2.1 总体设计参数 8

    2.2 搅拌容器的设计计算 8

    2.2.1 搅拌缸设计 8

    2.2.2 确定筒体的几何参数 8

    2.3 卸料方式的确定 9

    2.4 搅拌轴及搅拌叶片的设计 9

    2.4.1 搅拌轴的设计 10

    2.4.2 叶片的设计 10

    2.4.3 搅拌轴和叶片组合形式 11

    2.4.4 搅拌轴的结构及材料 11

    2.4.5 搅拌轴的设计及强度校核计算 12

    第三章 传动系统及零部件选型 13

    3.1 传动系统的设计 13

    3.2 电动机的选型 13

    3.3 减速器的选型 14

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