    摘要风能的运用历史悠久,小型帆船的技术已经特别娴熟,如今小型船舶已无法满足人类的要求,在越来越大的船舶上设置风帆,用到的风帆不止一个,本论文的研究内容便是研究多帆间的帆间干扰,这个课题的研究有利于风帆助推船的发展。本文主要的研究内容有以下几点:(1)搜集资料,确定使用改进翼型来进行多帆间的帆间干扰情况分析。(2)选定一个目标船舶,得出在哪儿布置风帆。(3)由对于目标船舶的分析得出的帆间距离等已知的数据利用 Gambit 建立数值模拟模型,仿真出风帆间的具体位置。(4)将 Gambit 中建立好的模型导入到 Fluent 中,利用 Fluent 软件进行迭代计算,直至研究出帆间的干扰情况,得出帆间干扰报告。本文得出了几个结论,在小攻角的情况下,前帆对后帆有很大的干扰,随着攻角的增大, 后帆的受到的干扰渐渐减小。 但是由于涡的存在, 后帆的推进性能受到干扰。会存在一定的攻角和帆向角使得前后帆的总推进性能达到最优。62273
    Abstract More than a wind energy use has a long history, the small sailing ship technique hasbeen particularly adept, now small ships have been unable to meet the human demands, inlarge ship set more sail. The research content of this thesis is the sail and sail interference,the subject of research is advantageous to the development of sail propelled vessel.The main research contents of this paper are as follows:(1) to collect data, to determine the use of improved airfoil to carry out the analysis of theinterference between the multi sails.(2) choose a target ship, to draw where the layout of the sails.(3) the numerical simulation model is established by using Gambit to establish thenumerical simulation model, which is based on the data obtained from the analysis of thetarget ship.(4) in the Gambit to establish a good model into the Fluent, the use of Fluent software foriterative calculation, until the study of the interference between the sails, so we can get thereport of the interference between the sail.The paper draws several conclusions, in the case of small angle of attack, front sailhave a great disturbance to behind sail, with the increase of the angle of attack, behindsail’s interference is gradually reduced.but because of the existence of vortex,the behindsail’s propulsion performance is worse.
    Keyword:Sail boost;Interference between the sail;numerical simulation;Fluent

    目 录

    第一章 绪论. 1

    1.1 本文的研究背景、目的和意义.1

    1.1.1 研究的背景..1

    1.1.2 研究意义. 2

    1.2 风帆助推技术的现状...2

    1.2.1 国外的研究现状....2

    1.2.2 国内的研究现状....6

    1.3 本文的主要内容和研究方法 6

    1.3.1 本文研究的主要内容 6

    1.3.2 本文的主要研究方法 7

    第二章 理论及软件介绍..8

    2.1 机翼理论....8

    2.1.1 机翼的几何特性....8

    2.1.1 翼型的空气动力特性 9

    2.2 二维风帆 Gambit建模9

    2.2.1 GAMBIT 简介9

    2.2.2 数值模型的建立..10

    2.3 Fluent 数值模拟..13

    2.3.1 Fluent 简介...13

    2.3.2 离散化方法..14

    2.3.2 Fluent 的求解步骤 16

    2.4 本章小结..23

    第三章 横向单帆纵向多帆计算结果及分析...25

    3.1 帆向角 0°的计算结果和分析....25

    3.1.1 典型攻角下的升力阻力及压力图分析...25

    3.1.2 翼型在不同攻角下的升力阻力计算结果分析.28

    3.1.3 翼型在不同攻角下的升力和阻力系数的变化情况..29

    3.2 帆向角 10°的计算结果和分析..31

    3.2.1 典型攻角下的升力阻力及压力图分析...31

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