

    毕业论文关键词  驾驶机器人 ,机构设计,仿真模拟,参数化设计,CATIA,Adams


    Title  The design and simulation of automatic driving robot mechanism


    Automotive autopilot robots currently in widespread use in many automotive test and achieved tremendous economic value.

    The graduation project was completed for the automotive autopilot robot actuator design modeling and simulation analysis. In the analysis of domestic and foreign research results in driving the robot, based on the combined task design requirements, design automotive autopilot robot programs and sizes, and the use of Adams for size optimization and physical three-dimensional simulation analysis. Analysis include: shifting robot and the mechanical displacement of the leg movement, speed, torque, power consumption and so on. The results meet the design requirements, but also meet the requirements of practical driving robot. Then use a driving robot simulation Adams practical action, to produce animated video. Based on the design size, the use of CATIA software to build cars autopilot robot 3D models. Finally, finite element analysis method materials and key components for strength check.

    Keywords  robot driver, mechanism design, analogue simulation , parametric design,CATIA,Adams

    目  次

    1. 绪论 1

    1.1.引言 1

    1.2.汽车自动驾驶机器人国内外现状 1

    1.3汽车自动驾驶机器人执行机构国内外研究现状 3

    1.4本文主要工作 4

    1.5论文结构 4

    1.6本章小结 4

    2. 汽车自动驾驶机器人总体方案设计 5

    2.1引言 5

    2.2汽车自动驾驶机器人结构构成 5

    2.3机器人本体的设计原则 6

    2.4汽车自动驾驶机器人总体方案设计 6

    2.5 所用电机的介绍 9

    2.6本章小结 9

    3. 汽车自动驾驶机器人执行机构设计 10

    3.1.引言 10

    3.2.机械腿 10

    3.3.换挡机械手 11

    3.4结果优化 17

    3.5本章小结 18

    4. 汽车自动驾驶机器人执行机构的仿真分析

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