    关键词  GPS  GPRS WISMO218 U-BLOX5
    Title  Software Design of Wireless Positioning System
     Based on GPS and GPRS
    With the development of science and technology, people's demand for positioning and communication technology is improving. Thanks to the combination of GPS and GPRS, the mobile equipment with functions of positioning, navigation and monitoring arises at the historic moment.
    This article detailedly introduces the application of WISMO218 module and u-blox5 module . First of all, the article studies about howu-blox5 receives positioning information and WISMO218 sends it by means of messages or wireless network data. Then design software in the environment of Python application program after the hardware is fully understood. The software can achieve functions of receiving orders, collecting positioning information and sending it out. In the end, experiments can prove it out that the equipment can achieve the functions of collecting and sending positioning information. After all, the software performance reliably and steadily, and it provides the modle for development of products using WISMO218 module and u-blox5 module.
    Keywords  GPS  GPRS  WISMO218 U-BLOX5
    目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景    1
    1.2  课题研究意义    1
    1.3  国内外研究发展现状    2
    1.4  研究内容及论文结构    3
    2  系统总体设计    5
    2.1  系统整体结构    5
    2.2  GPS全球定位系统介绍    5
    2.2.1  GPS系统组成    5
    2.3  定位及发送系统    7
    2.4  GPRS移动通信系统介绍    7
    2.4.1  GPRS简介    7
    2.4.2  GPRS原理    7
    2.4.3  GPRS技术优势    7
    2.5  接收端    8
    2.6  小结    8
    3  GPRS+GPS无线定位系统硬件    9
    3.1  硬件设计总体方案    9
    3.2  WISMO218模块    9
    3.2.1  WISMO218模块介绍    9
    3.2.2  WISMO218模块硬件命令    10
    3.2.3  WISMO218模块的功能结构    11
    3.2.4  WISMO218模块的工作模式    11
    3.3 U-BLOX5模块    12
    3.3.1  U-BLOX5模块介绍    12
    3.3.2  U-BLOX5模块的引脚    12
    3.3.3 U-BLOX5模块主板    13
    3.4  GPS天线    13
    3.5  小结    14
    4  GPRS+GPS无线定位系统软件设计    15
    4.1  NMEA 0183协议    15
    4.2WISMO218模块的AT命令    15
    4.2.1  AT命令介绍    15
    4.2.2 WISMO218模块AT命令    16
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