
    摘要随行装药技术是新概念发射技术的一种,与普通装药相比存在许多优点, 它与现有火炮结构相容,仅通过改变弹药结构的形式,就能改善火炮的内弹道性能和提高弹丸初速。由于随行装药点火燃烧在整个火炮内弹道过程中的独特性, 有必要开展随行装药内弹道过程的理论研究, 为工程应用提供理论指导。65226


    毕业论文关键词  固体随行装药     内弹道模型    点火延迟     数值模拟  


    Title   The theoretical study of Solid traveling charge tank gun muzzle velocity increase

    Abstract Traveling charge technique is a new launching technique, which has a number of advantages over conventional charge technique and is consistent with the exiting gun structure. Only to change the form of the ammunition structure, the interior ballistic property of gun will be improved, and the muzzle velocity will be enhanced .Ignition and combustion of traveling charge has unique feature throughout interior ballistic course of gun, it’s necessary to study the theory of interior ballistic course of traveling charge to provide theoretical guidance for engineering applications.

    A zero-dimensional interior ballistic model is established, based on  the feature of solid traveling charge of 105mm gun, a calculating program is composed by the use of Runge-Kutta method, the numerical simulation results are obtained. The numerical results should be in good accordance with the experimental ones. The interior ballistic properties between traveling charge and conventional charge are analyzed. It is discussed that  the effects to interior ballistic course caused by ignition delay time ,the mass and burning rate of traveling charge.

    Keywords  solid traveling charge   interior ballistic model ignition delay    numerical simulation


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题背景及研究意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  本文主要工作 3

    2  固体随行装药内弹道零维模型及数值解法 4

    2.1  物理模型 4

    2.2  数学模型 4

    3  3  105 MM固体随行装药内弹道过程的数值模拟 10

    3.1  计算方法 10

    3.2  程序流程图 11

    3.3  数值模拟结果 13

    3.4  随行装药与常规装药的对比分析 16

    4  随行装药特征参数变化对内弹道性能的影响 21

    4.1  点火延迟时间对内弹道性能的影响 21

    4.2  随行装药量大小对内弹道性能的影响 22

    4.3  随行装药量燃速对内弹道性能的影响 24

    结  论 27

    致  谢

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