


    毕业论文关键词:六杆 弹跳 机器人


    Title    Robot Design of Six Rod Type Energy Storage                     



    A six rod storage with spring function to robot design. To understand the background and the significance of the study, survey research six bar type energy storage robot. The main structure of the robot for the design and verification. Finally analyzes the motion robot.

    The six link energy storage type robot for irregular hexagon, non energy storage case robot long 66mm, wide 19mm, high 81mm, weight 1kg. Spring energy storage mechanism adopts six rod gear mechanism, can be loaded 4 torsion springs and two spring. Artificial provides the driving force, the elastic potential energy release deformation under pressure after the robot. The robot around the symmetrical structure, does not need to reset mechanism can realize the continuous jumping movement. For the design, strength check and stroke simulation robot. Experimental results show that the six rod storage robot can continuously bounce, bounce height of 10mm maximum.

    Keywords  Six Rod  Bounce  Robot

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  六杆储能机器人主要结构研究现状 2

    1.3  论文的主要结构 4

    2  机器人结构设计 5

    2.1  六杆储能机器人的组成 5

    2.2  弹跳机构 6

    2.3  储能机构 8

    2.4  定位机构 13

    3  杆件强度校核 17

    3.1  弹跳下杆强度校核 17

    3.2  弹跳上杆强度校核 18

    4  机器人运动行程分析 20

    4.1  机器人运动过程分步解析 20

    4.2  机器人运动过程整体图解 27

    结  论 28

    致  谢 29

    参 考 文 献 30

    1 绪论


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