
    摘要随着机械自动化水平的高速发展,三维造型技术已经广泛应用于生活中各个领 域。本文主要介绍了人体髋关节假体凸凹模的设计,首先介绍了人工髋关节置换术 的当今情况和国内外研究现状,接着阐述了 SolidWorks 软件在三维造型中的特点并 且分析如何运用 SolidWorks 完成整套三维造型设计, 零件装配。 之后通过 SolidWorks 自带的模具制造功能完成髋关节假体的凸凹模设计,最后完成凸凹模的 数控加工仿真。68493

    此次毕业设计综合应用大学期间学过的各类知识和技能,深入研究三维造型技 术和机械设计方法。并且加深了对 SolidWorks 软件的使用熟练度。

    毕业论文关键词 三维造型 髋关节假体凸凹模 SolidWorks CAMWorks

    Title Computer aided design and manufacture of Link hip prosthesis of punch and die


    With the rapid development of mechanical automation , 3D modeling technology has been widely applied in various fields of life. This paper mainly introduces the design of human hip joint prosthesis of punch and die. At first introduces the artificial hip joint replacement of the current situation and research status at home and abroad. Then the features of SolidWorks software in 3D modeling and analysis of how to use SolidWorks to complete the 3D modeling design are shown in this paper. After that,design of punch and die manufacturing of hip prosthesis is completed through the mold's built-in SolidWorks. Finally complete the simulation of NC machining of punch and die.

    Kinds of knowledge and skills are applied during the graduation design . Deeply research on 3D modeling technology and mechanical design method is done as well. And enhance my ability on use of SolidWorks proficiency.

    Keywords 3D modeling Hip prosthesis punch SolidWorks CAMWorks

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景以意义 1

    1.2  国外研究现状 1

    1.3 国内研究现状 2

    1.4  髋关节假体的结构 2

    1.5  三维造型在髋关节假体凸凹模设计中的应用 3

    2  髋关节假体和凸凹模的三维造型 5

    2.1  髋关节假体柄部建模 5

    2.2  髋关节假体头部建模 9

    2.3  髋关节假体臼杯建模 9

    2.4  零件系列化设计 11

    3  髋关节假体柄部的凸凹模设计 13

    3.1  塑料注射模的设计步骤 13

    3.2  分型面的选择 13

    3.3  髋关节假体柄部凸凹模设计步骤 14

    4  髋关节假体凸模的数控程序 18

    4.1  确定加工毛坯 18

    4.2  生成加工方案 18

    4.3  数控仿真 19



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