


    Abstract The constant temperature tank as industrially important pressure vessel equipment, used in metallurgy and chemical industry, food processing, bio fermentation, health and other fields, the temperature control system is widely used in heating furnace, fermentation tank, water supply system, hot water temperature control system. With the development of computer control technology, constant temperature control has been widely used in the field of industrial production, and has made great economic and social benefits. This design first introduces the basic knowledge of the container, including the classification and structure of the pressure vessel, the type and selection of the head, the parts of the container, heating device design, etc.. Then, taking the design of the heating constant temperature storage tank as an example, the author gives a brief account of the mild design of the internal pressure thin wall cylinder and the standard elliptical head and the selection of the main parts of the container and the constant temperature control.

    Key words: heating; constant temperature storage tank; head; heating device; strength check; constant temperature control;


    1  绪论 6

    1.1 课题研究的背景 6

    1.2 课题研究的内容和意义 6

    1.3 储罐的分类 6

    1.4 立式恒温储罐设计特点 8

    2  设计概述 8

    2.1 设计课题 8

    2.2 工艺参数 8

    2.3 设计内容 8

    2.4 设计思路 8

    材料及结构的选择 9

    3.1材料选择 9

    3.2筒体设计 9

    3.3 封头的设计 12

    3.4 水压试验 13

    3.5人孔的设计 15

    3.6 各管口法兰、垫片的选择 17

    3.6 人孔的补强设计 18

    3.8 换热装置设计 21

    3.9 保温层设计 28

    3.10 支座的选取 30

    3.11 支座安装位置 32

    4 可加热恒温水罐温度控制 34

    4.1 温度控制方案 34

    4.2 硬件组成 34

    4.3 工艺工程及控制要求说明

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