


    Research on Handheld Wire Harness Winding Machine

    Abstract: At present, China is in the peak of economic development, in the ever-changing today, we put forward new requirements for work efficiency, but also a new understanding. In the packaging engineering, the original winding harness is either artificial, inefficient and winding effect is not good; or some large machinery, accounting for space and a lot of cost. Through the study of previous books, designed to automatically winding the wiring harness and automatic cutting tape equipment, but also to light, flexible, easy to hand. The body has three major institutions, namely, transmission, tape winding mechanism and tape automatic cutting mechanism. When the device starts to work, you need to hold the handle, the harness is inserted into the work area, press the switch, you can start work, because it is hand-held, you can manually control the tape winding speed. After the winding is completed, the automatic cutting mechanism is touched, and the tape can be cut off automatically. At the same time, the human resources will be greatly reduced, the working efficiency will be greatly improved, and it will be practical in the actual production process.

    Key words: hand-held; harness; winding


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 线束缠绕机的国内外发展 1

    1.1.1 手持式的线束缠绕机的国内外发展 1

    1.1.2半自动式的线束缠绕机的国内外发展 4

    1.1.3总结 5

    1.2 创新点及难点分析 6

    1.2.1 创新点分析 6

    1.2.2 难点分析 6

    2 线束胶带缠绕机的设计方案 6

    2.1 线束缠绕机的工艺流程 6

    2.2 设计整体方案 8

    3 线束缠绕机结构设计 8

    3.1胶带缠绕机构 9

    3.2 胶带自动切断机构 9

    3.3 传动机构 10

    4选型设计 12

    4.1传动机构设计 12

    4.1.1传动方式的确定 12

    4.1.2 齿轮的设计 14 齿轮1、3的设计 14 齿轮2的设计 18 电动机的选型 18 螺栓的选择

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