




    毕业论文关键词:制粒模  制粒机  有限元分析

    Particle machine parts design

    Abstract During the design process, according to the general design requirements of the design particle machine parts to fit between the parts dimensions, materials, parts and components analysis, calculation, select. Finite element analysis and design of important parts or demanding parts. Size selection to avoid interference problems between components, reasonable size.

    This design is the strong support of Professor under the Offset. I worked with the students in Professor Hu Wei Dong patient counseling, to design a set dedicated to the production of wood pellets and feed pellets machinery and equipment. This granulation ring mold equipment use, the use of model roll out radially from the strip rolling, cutting blade strips cut into pellets. This principle is the basis of design, design transmission mechanism, feeding mechanism, forced feeding mechanism, and a variety of component design, design a set of particle machine equipment.

    Design under the guidance of Professor Dong Now a lot of domestic and foreign about this set of equipment related to the literature data, through the existing theory and related mechanical analogy, based on this set of particles to be designed machine equipment.

    Key words:  Granulating mould   Granulating machine finite element analysis

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    目  录 III

    1 前言 - 1 -

    1.1 研究意义 - 1 -

    1.2主要研究内容及设计任务 - 1 -

    2 颗粒机总体结构设计给出 - 3 -

    2.1 主要技术参数 - 3 -

    2.2 工作原理与工作过程概述 - 3 -

    3 主传动系统的设计 - 5 -

    3.1 主电机的选择 - 5 -

    3.2 主传动计算 - 5 -

    4 制粒系统 - 12 -

    4.1制粒系统原理 - 12 -

    4.2制粒模设计计算 - 12 -

    4.3 制粒压辊设计计算 - 13 -

    4.4 制粒模和压辊工作间隙的调整 - 14 -

    5 送料机构设计 - 16 -

    5.1 送料输送结构设计

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