
    摘要国内现在主要生产一些简单模具,大型模具和一些精度较高的模具还是依赖进口,我国非 常重视模具行业的发展,在模具行业上投入了大量的时间和资金,但是现在中国模具行业的高 素质人才还很少,模具总产量也不能满足市场需求。但与此同时,国内模具水平正在逐渐提高, 未来将会有很多市场,模具的聚集地也在迅速形成和发展。70349

    查阅 ABS 塑料有关的资料,了解它的性能,再依据注塑模具加工所要遵循的一些标准和 要求,研究模具的大小、精度以及工艺性能等要求,考查测量该工件的尺寸和精度。制造这个 模具时,使用的是一模二腔的技术,把 ABS 从侧面浇注,选用注射机的是 HTF80XB 型号, 而且设置了冷却系统,运用 PROE 画出所要求的模具图,用 visio 软件去标注爆炸图,再运用 CAD 画出平面图,分析讨论后选择比较合理的方法来加工塑件。

    该论文有图 15 幅,表 1 个,参考文献 26 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:加工模具;塑件;PROE 制图;CAD 绘制平面图;模具设计。

    The design of tee joint injection mold

    Abstract China is now the main production of simple mold, the mould with the large molds and some higher precision is still dependent on imports, China attaches great importance to the development of mold industry, in the mold industry invested a lot of time and money, but now China mould industry of high-quality talent is little, mold production can not meet market demand. But at the same time, the domestic mold level is gradually improving, the future will have a lot of market, the mold is also in the rapid formation and development.

    Access to information related to the plastic, understand its performance, according to manufacturing plastic parts to follow some of the requirements, the die size and precision  and process performance requirements, test the size and accuracy of the workpiece measurement. The manufacture of the mold, I use a mold with two cavity technology, the ABS from the side of the casting, the choice of injection machine is the type of HTF80XB, and set the cooling system, using proe to draw required mold figure, use VISO software to mark exploded diagram, then use CAD to draw the plan, analysis and discussion to choose more reasonable approach to the processing of plastic parts.

    Key words:Processing mould; Plastic parts; PROE drawings; CAD drawing plan; Mold design.


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    1 绪论 1

    1.1  引言 1

    1.2  中国模具的研究现状 1

    1.3 21 世纪模具发展的趋势 4

    2 CAD 技术在模具注塑行业中的应用 7

    2.1 CAD 的发展概述 7

    2.2 注塑模 CAD 重要内容 7

    2.3 CAD 数据组成 9

    2.4 CAD 在模具制造中应用 9

    2.5  本章总结 11

    3 三通管注塑成型方法以及工艺分析 12

    3.1  三通管塑件的分析 12

    3.2 ABS 材料的注射成型过程及工艺参数 13

    4 模具设计环节 15

    4.1  拟定模具结构的设计

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