    关键词  生物识别; 指纹识别; 电子商务认证; 指纹特征;  
    Title  Research on the application of fingerprint  technology in the electronic commerce authentication  system
    With the development and progress of modern society,e-commerce security issues become the focus of people’s attention,and identity authentication technology is the first barrier of the network security and  information security.It is a very important research field about network information security.However,in the past the authentication mode is not safe enough,so biometric technology is developed then.The fingerprint recognition technology has many applications in electronic commerce certification.Fingerprint identification is based on fingerprint feature.This paper is summarized as follows:The fingerprint identification technology has a wide application  as the development of biometrics. And reasearches are made about the extraction of fingerprint features based on the MATLAB operation platform, , and e-commerce security certification is  introducted in detail. Finally, specific examples are made  to identify the  applications of fingerprint recognition technologyin  in electronic commerce.
    Keywords  biological recognition;  fingerprint recognition;  e-business certification;  minutia feature
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2  研究目的    1
    1.3  研究现状    1
    2  生物识别的研究现状    3
    2.1  生物识别的概念    3
    2.2  研究现状    3
    2.2.1  视网膜识别    3
    2.2.2  人脸识别    3
    2.2.3  指纹识别    5
    2.2.4  虹膜识别    6
    3  指纹识别    7
    3.1  指纹识别简介    7
    3.1.1  基本框架    7
    3.1.2  指纹识别的特点:    7
    3.2基本原理    7
    3.3  指纹提取的相关算法    8
    3.3.1  细节特征提取算法    8
    3.3.2  指纹图像的细化后处理    9
    3.3.3  特征点的提取    9
    3.3.4  指纹特征的去伪操作    10
    3.3.5  验证与辨识    10
    4  电子商务安全概述    12
    4.1  电子商务安全技术    12
    4.1.1  电子商务系统    12
    4.1.2  电子商务安全国际规范    13
    4.1.3  电子商务安全法律要素    13
    4.2  电子商务安全概念与特点    13
    4.2.1  电子商务安全概念与特点    13
    4.2.2  电子商务的风险与安全问题    14
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