    摘要获取制导弹药精确的飞行姿态角直接关系到其命中精度。围绕基于磁探测的高转速弹丸地磁测姿技术,对姿态解算推导、姿态测量仿真、误差补偿等方面进行了研究。首先介绍了课题研究的背景与意义,接着对国内外在此课题研究的历史与进展作了一定的叙述,其次分析了地磁场的形成原理以及常用的地磁场描述与计算模型。在对坐标系与姿态角的定义进行说明的基础上,选取了一种从发射坐标系到弹体坐标系的变换顺序,建立起了姿态角解算的数学模型,并得出了基于各地磁分量的姿态角表达式。在仿真过程中以某地作为发射点,并将该地经纬度下的地磁强度作为全弹道上的地磁场强度,根据推导出来的地磁测姿模型进行仿真,仿真结果验证了地磁测姿方法的正确性。关键词  转速  地磁探测  姿态角  弹道仿真  磁阻传感器9397
    Title The attitude determination of high spin rate projectile on geomagnetism and its system simulation
    Obtaining the flight attitude angle of guided munitions is directly related the its hit accuracy. The geomagnetic attitude measurement technology based on magnetic detection of high spin rate projectile attitude solution derived, and attitude measurement simulation, error compensation, and other aspects are studied. First the background and significance of the research   are introduced, followed by a certain statement of the history and progress of research on this subject at home and abroad, followed by analysis of the principle of the formation of the geomagnetic field and the geomagnetic field to describe the computational model. On the basis of explaining for the definition of coordinate system and the attitude angle, select a draw from the launch of the coordinate system to the body coordinate system transformation order to establish the mathematical model of the attitude angle solver, and based around the magnetic expression component of the attitude angle. Choose some place as the launching point during the simulation and select the geomagnetic field strength on the longitude and latitude of this place as the whole trajectory. According to the derived geomagnetic attitude measurement model to simulate and verify the correctness of the geomagnetic attitude measurement method.

    Keywords  Spin rate  Geomagnetism detection  Attitude angle   Trajectory Simulation   Magneto resistive sensor
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    1  绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1.2 制导弹药姿态测量技术现状    2
    1.3论文主要工作    5
    2  地磁测姿技术概述    7
    2.1 地磁基本理论    7
    2.2 常见地磁传感器性能及特性    10
    2.2.1霍尔磁传感器    10
    2.2.2磁通门磁强计    11
    2.2.3磁阻传感器    12
    2.2.4巨磁电阻传感器    13
    2.2.5巨磁阻抗传感器    14
    2.3 弹道范围内地磁变化情况    14
    3  基于磁阻传感器的姿态测量方法    17
    3.1 坐标系    17
    3.2 测量方程    18
    3.3 姿态解算方法    19
    3.3.1当已知偏航角 时    20
    3.3.2当已知俯仰角 时    20
    3.3.3当已知滚转角 时    20
    3.4 解的存在性分析    21
    3.4.1已知偏航角时求俯仰角    21
    3.4.2 已知偏航角时求滚转角    21
    3.4.3 已知俯仰角时求偏航角    22
    3.4.4 已知滚转角时求偏航角    23
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