摘要: 绿色是21世纪的主色调。随着社会的发展,人们的环保意识逐渐增强,对于身体健康更加关注。因此,传统营销正逐渐被绿色营销所代替,逐渐成为企业营销发展的新趋势。绿色营销是以减少材料消耗,保护地球资源为主旨,保证人们使用安全、卫生、方便的产品,使人们的身心得到洁净,生活质量得到提高,生存空间得以优化。由于我国绿色营销起步较晚,企业虽然取得了一些成绩,但在策略的实施上还存在着许多问题。因此,我国企业应充分认识到自身在绿色营销中存在的不足,借鉴国外相关经验的同时,制定适合我国国情,并适应国际趋势的绿色营销战略。因此,应从现实的角度出发,对我国绿色营销的发展现状与前景进行全面分析,并采取相应策略,为经济发展和可持续发展提供帮助。本文针对我国绿色营销谈谈自己的基本看法。 20398
关键词: 绿色营销;低价策略;对策分析
Chinese Enterprises’ Green Marketing-Current Situation and Countermeasures
Abstract: Green is the main color of twenty-first Century. With the development of society, the consciousness of environmental protection has gradually increased and people pay more attention to their health. Therefore, traditional marketing is gradually being replaced by green marketing. The green marketing has become the new trend of marketing development. The purpose of green marketing is to reduce material consumption, and protecting the earth resources; To ensure product that people use are safety, healthy and convenient, in order to improve the quality of life and clean the body and mind of people, optimization living space.Because the reality of the late start of China's green marketing, although companies made certain achievements, there are many problems in the implementation of the strategy. Therefore, our enterprises should be fully aware of their own shortcomings in green marketing, drawing on the basis of relevant experience abroad to make marketing strategy that Suitable for the national conditions of our country, and adapt to the international trend. Therefore, we should stand a realistic point of view, a comprehensive analysis of development situation and prospect of China's green marketing. And take the appropriate strategy, provides help for the economic development and sustainable development. This paper talks about my own basic views of green marketing in China.
Keywords: Green marketing; Low price strategy;Analysis of Countermeasures
目 录
引言 1
一、绿色营销概述 2
(一) 绿色营销的背景及研究现状 2
(二)绿色营销的含义 2
(三)绿色营销的特点 3
(四)绿色营销的意义 4
二、我国企业绿色营销的现状与问题 5
(一)我国企业绿色营销的现状 5
(二) 我国企业绿色营销存在的问题 6
三、我国企业实施绿色营销的思路与对策 7
(一) 注重绿色教育,培养绿色消费意识 7
(二) 树立企业绿色营销观念 8
(三) 开发绿色资源和绿色产品 8
(四) 加快绿色产品技术开发的步伐 8
(五) 明确绿色产品的市场定位,采用相应的价格策略 8
(751) 开辟绿色通道,形成高效率、无污染、低成本的分销网络 9
(七) 树立绿色营销组合观念,实施企业的营销组合策略。 9
(八) 强化政府的宏观调控职能,确保绿色营销的健康发展 10
四、结论 10
谢辞 11
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