    Study on Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Internal Control and Corporate Governance issues
    Abstract:  In today's booming business world, small and medium-sized enterprises as the main body of social wealth, have taken the responsibility of the rise and fall of vital fate of a country. But in recent years, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises has been struggling on the bottom-line. Due to the basic cause, internal control and corporate governance are two biggest reasons of all. At the same time, the link between both is inseparable and interacted with each other. This paper is comparing the USA enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises in the internal control and corporate governance in two aspects of the situation, analyzing of the internal control and the company of our country small and medium-sized enterprise governance (internal corporate governance) problems, the referring  to foreign experience and solutions; and briefly expounding the development trend of internal control and corporate governance, in order to help small and medium-sized enterprises to improve the situation of internal control, enhance the level of corporate governance,  reduce the risk faced by the enterprises, and ensure the sustained and healthy development of enterprises.
    Keywords: Small and medium-sized enterprises; Internal control; Corporate Governance
    目 录

    引  言    2
    一、中小企业内部控制与公司治理概述    3
    (一)中小企业概述    4
    (二)内部控制与公司治理的含义    5
    (三)内部控制与公司治理的联系    5
    (四)内部控制与公司治理的区别    6
    二、国内外内部控制与公司治理关系的理论分析    8
    (一)内部控制与公司治理关系理论概述    8
    (二)内部控制与公司治理整合的必要性分析    9
    三、内部控制与公司治理的问题    10
    (一)组织结构单一、权力集中    12
    (二)内部监督机制失效    13
    (三)员工激励政策落后    13
    (四)企业文化建设滞后,价值认同度低    14
    (五)案例分析    14
    四、加强内部控制,提升公司治理的建议    17
    (一)借鉴国外经验    17
    (二)对策    17
    (三)案例分析    20
    五、结论及趋势发展    23
    (一)结论    23
    (二)趋势发展    23
    致谢    24
    参考文献    25
    引  言
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