    关键词:会计信息 失真 治理措施
    Distortion of accounting information
    Abstract:Since our country enter a new era at the end of the seventies of the last century, the economy develop rapidly, the pace of political democracy accelerate quickly, the people's living standards continue to improve, but at the same time, all kinds of unhealthy practices are wanton generated. Distortion of accounting information has become one of the main obstacles to the healthy development of China's capital market .The quality of accounting information is receiving more attention from people. Accounting information is the main basis for managers, investors and creditors to understand the financial position, to improve management, to guard against operational risks, and make investment decisions. It plays a very important role to the enterprise or even the entire national economy. Therefore, after deeply understanding and analyzing of the “Yunnan Green Land "case which occurred a few years ago, the article summarizes part of the accounting information distortion performance and causes, and on this basis, combining the theory and practice draw the corresponding control measures. Since complement each other with a single case, this article summarizes the point of view has limitations, but no matter what happens to the distortion of accounting information, it always related to the interests and desires.
    Key words:accounting information  distortion  control measures
    目  录
    一、研究会计信息失真问题的相关理论综述    2
    (二)会计信息的重要性 2
    (三)“云南绿大地”案例概述 3
    (一)资产价值不真实,体外循环    4
    (四)成本与费用的任意调节,达到“利润最大化” 5
    三、会计信息失真的原因 7
    致  谢    15参考文献16
    绪  论
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