    主创新的积极性,从而提高企业自主创新的能力, 使公司得到有效的发展,就显十分重要。
    本文基于公司治理的角度, 对我国企业公司治理与企业创新之间的关系进行了分析与研究
    探讨了公司治理对企业创新的影响因素。 本文以 2009 年到 2014 年沪深两市的上市公司为
    研究对象, 采用多元回归分析法和 SPSS 统计软件分析了公司治理与企业创新之间的关系。
    关键词:公司治理 公司治理机制 企业创新 研发费用
    Relationship between Corporate Governance and
    Abstract:In recent years, China's rapid economic development has made great progress.
    However, compared with developed countries, still a big gap. Fierce competition in the global
    knowledge economy era, if a company is not their core competency is unable to gain a foothold
    in the market. The core competence is their innovation. So how to stimulate the enthusiasm of
    independent innovation, improve the ability of independent innovation is imminent. Based on
    the perspective of corporate governance, the relationship between our corporate governance and
    enterprise innovation are analyzed and studied. Discussion on corporate governance for
    innovation and technology factors influencing mechanism. In this paper, from 2009 to 2014,
    listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen as the research object, using multiple regression
    analysis and SPSS statistical software to analyze the relationship between corporate governance
    and business innovation. The study found that ownership structure, board structure and scale,
    management incentive and restraint mechanisms, and other stakeholders; there is a proportional
    relationship between innovation relations. The presence of an inverse relationship between the
    ratio of corporate assets and liabilities and business innovation. And by analyzing the ability to
    enhance enterprise innovation made the following recommendations: improving corporate
    ownership structure, shareholders play a role in promoting technological innovation; and to
    establish a professional quality, in line with Director Corporate Development Strategy and the
    operating characteristics of the composition; combined with their own circumstances, to take
    short-term incentives and long-term incentives combined with a variety of bonuses and equity
    incentives and other methods to achieve the phase matching incentives for operators.
    Keywords: Corporate governance Corporate governance mechanism Governance corporate
    R&D expenses
    目 录
    一、绪论 1
    (一)研究背景. 1
    (二)研究目的. 1
    (三)研究意义. 1
    (四)研究方法. 2
    (五)基本内容与研究框架. 2
    二、国内外文献综述 4
    (一)国外文献综述. 4
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