    毕业论文关键词:竞争力   商业银行   财务指标分析   因子分析
    Research Competitiveness shareholding commercial banks
    Abstract: In recent years, as China's interest rate market continues to advance the competitiveness of China's commercial banks is also of concern, the major commercial banks are also expanding their size, to improve their capacity for development. Since the financial crisis, the international economic downturn, the domestic macroeconomic environment is also very tight, under open conditions of foreign banks continue to enter China and China's large commercial banks and city commercial banks pide, our joint-stock commercial banks face significant challenges, coupled with joint-stock commercial the banks themselves are also some problems, so joint-stock commercial banks must constantly adapt to the changing new situation, to improve their competitiveness. This paper selected 12 national joint-stock commercial banks as the research object, from a financial point of view of asset status indicators 12 joint-stock commercial banks, asset quality, liquidity and profitability level. The use of factor analysis of joint-stock commercial bank's financial indicators were empirical analysis, a comprehensive analysis of the 12 joint-stock commercial banks competitiveness, and to make a better bank balance sheets should be innovative small micro-enterprise services, improve profitability, while conversion management model, enhanced bank management capabilities; strong profitability of the bank should actively develop business characteristics, the implementation of different operations expand its competitive advantage; the healthy development of the bank's capital should establish a scientific management system, improve financial risk control mechanism, while develop intermediary business, enhance innovation capability and development.
    Key Words:Competitiveness  Commercial bank  Financial Indicators  Factor analysis .
    目  录
    一、导言    - 1 -
    (一)选题的背景及意义    - 1 -
    (二)相关文献    - 2 -
    (三)本文总结    - 4 -
    二、股份制商业银行现状及发展特点    - 5 -
    (一)相关概念界定及说明    - 5 -
    (二)我国股份制商业银行竞争力现状分析    - 6 -
    (三)中国股份制商业银行的发展特点    - 7 -
    三、股份制商业银行竞争力财务指标分析    - 9 -
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