

    关键词  上市银行;股权结构;经营绩效

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The Relationship between Ownership Structure and Performance of Listed Banks in China                                   

    Abstract Firstly,literature on the subject both in China and abroad and relevant theory are reviewed in this paper.Then do empirical analysis on the relationship between ownership structure and performance of listed banks in China.The study is based on the data of 16 listed banks in China as the sample.It uses the factor analysis to build the comprehensive index P.Then do regression analysis of operate performance from three aspects of ownership structure-ownership properties,ownership concentration and  equity balance degree in order to find out the relationship between the ownership structure and bank performance.The empirical results show that the proportion of state-owned share and the performance is negatively related;the proportion of tradable share have positive correlation;the proportion of legal person share does not significantly affect the performance;the ownership concentration has inverted U-type relationship with bank performance;the equity balance degree is positively related to the bank performance.Finally,according to the conclusion,it suggests to cut the proportion of state-owned share,increase tradable share,reduce the ownership concentration,and add up the equity balance degree for the optimization of ownership structure and the promotion of bank performance.

    Keywords  Listed Banks;Ownership Structure;Operate Performance

    目   次

    1  绪论1

    1.1  研究背景和意义1

    1.2  国内外研究综述2

    1.3  研究思路3

    1.4  可能的创新与不足4

    2  理论概述4

    2.1  股权结构4

    2.2  经营绩效6

    2.3  其他相关理论6

    3  研究设计7

    3.1  研究样本的选取与数据来源7

    3.2  变量的选择与定义8

    4  因子分析法构建综合绩效指标10

    4.1  指标数据的标准化处理10

    4.2  适用性检验10

    4.3  提取公因子11

    4.4  计算因子得分和综合绩效12

    5  上市银行股权结构与经营绩效关系的实证分析14

    5.1  基本假设14

    5.2  相关性分析15

    5.3  股权属性与经营绩效关系的回归分析17

    5.4  股权集中度与经营绩效关系的回归分析18

    5.5  股权制衡度与经营绩效关系的回归分析20




    1  绪论

    1.1  研究背景和意义


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