    关键词  城市商业银行  竞争力  因子分析  评价指标体系
    毕业论文外文 摘 要
    Title A comparative study on the competitiveness of Beijing Tianjin Hebei,Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta City Commercial Bank
    The city commercial banks in China's history is short, has been caught in the financial system of our country, but in the background of deepening the reform of financial system, city commercial banks to deepen the reform, pioneering, innovation, continue to explore their own path of development. With the continuous development of financial disintermediation and profit market, China's city commercial banks are facing greater challenges and opportunities. Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta region as China's three new strategic area, research on the internal competitiveness of city commercial bank is very important, it is of great practical significance.
    This paper first introduces the domestic and foreign scholars on the research results of city commercial banks, expounds the competitiveness of commercial banks, city commercial banks, competitiveness evaluation methods and theoretical basis; then based on comprehensive, follow the scientific principles of the operation ratio, establish evaluation index system of City Commercial Bank in China; the three major areas of 29 city commercial banks as samples, using statistical analysis software SPSS19.0 on the relevant data indicators by factor analysis, calculation of city commercial banks in three regions in all aspects of the comprehensive score and score ranking, and makes a comparative analysis on the competitiveness of the city the three major areas of commercial banks; finally, the results of empirical analysis, put forward the corresponding countermeasures for the competitiveness of various regions of the city commercial banks vulnerable areas.
    Keywords  City Commercial Bank  Competitiveness  Factor analysis  The evaluation index system
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景和意义    1
    1.1.1  研究背景    1
    1.1.2  研究意义    2
    1.2  文献综述    2
    1.2.1  国际对于商业银行竞争力的评价研究方面    3
    1.2.2  国外对中小商业银行的研究方面    4
    1.2.3  我国对城市商业银行的研究方面    5
    1.2.4  国内外研究述评    7
    1.3  研究方法和研究内容    7
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