    Enterprise merger of financial risk and protection
    Abstract:Along with the economic development of our country, minor enterprises, in terms of medium and small-scale business, become the underpinnings and pivotal forces in the national economy; furthermore, it plays an irreplaceable role in the contribution of the growth of the national economy. It is the force to motivate the national economy to develop healthily, the spearhead of the sustainable development, and the growth engine with the most vitality. However, some domestic and foreign business with renown in their fields resulted in hugely economic loss and even bankruptcy in the recent years, due to the insufficient knowledge of the financial crisis. This problem is strikingly obvious among the minor enterprises. Owing to the influences of the intrinsic and extrinsic factors, those minor enterprises are not parallel to their self-development and the market economic regarding to the financial management, leading to the confrontation of the gigantic difficulties when responding to the fierce competition in the market. The occurence of the problems in any aspect or step of the financial activity in the enterprise will increase the possibility of the financial crisis, which will endanger the existence and development of the enterprises. This article starts with the analysis of the external and internal factors of the minor enterprises that lead to the financial crisis. Then it focuses on the problems that probably occur in the financial works in the minor enterprises. The suggestion of the scientifically protected measurements will be introduced in order to lower the risks and increase the economic efficiency. Also, it will stimulate the financially managerial level in the minor enterprises and strengthen the awareness of the financial risks, by means of the theories mentioned above, resulting in the sustainable, healthy and rapid development.
    Key words: Minor enterprises; Financial risks; Funding structure; Pre-alertness of risks.
    绪论    5
    一、企业合并概述    6
    (一)企业合并的含义    6
    (二)企业合并的原因    6
    1、企业合并的宏观原因    6
    2、企业合并的微观原因    7
    二、企业合并的方式    7
    (一)行业角度    7
    1、横向合并    7
    2、纵向合并    7
    3、混合合并    7
    (二)付款方式角度    8
    1、用现金购买资产    8
    2、用现金购买股票    8
    3、以股票购买资产    8
    4、用股票交换股票    8
    5、债权转股权方式    8
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