    毕业论文关键词:股票回购; 回购的原因; 市场效应; 事件研究法;
    Because of China's capital market started relatively late, and early intervention of the government and relatively large, at the same time also has the special equity pision of historical issues, so the application of stock repurchase in China is still not mature enough, investors and corporate management knowledge and understanding of layer on the repurchase of defective. Therefore, to strengthen the theoretical study and empirical analysis of stock repurchase, to improve the stock repurchase in China has a positive role in promoting. Entered in twenty-first Century, the domestic capital market full circulation shares occupy the absolute dominant position. Therefore this article selects the equity restructuring after the release of the two listing Corporation repurchase announcements as samples, we use the event study method to analyze the market effect of stock repurchase, produce. The results showed: in domestic, listing Corporation to convey the good news to the market by buying back, to the positive effect on the value of the repair company; through the analysis of equity incentive stock sample, indicating that the market as an incentive scheme shares is optimistic for the listing Corporation through the repurchase of shares, that through share buybacks with equity incentive development the benefit of the company. At the same time, the inspection process of abnormal returns, found that some companies in the announcement has been positive abnormal returns on the domestic market, shows that the existence of a listing Corporation repurchase plan leaked ahead of the situation, the market insider trading and manipulating prices phenomenon.
    Key words: Stock repurchase; Repurchase reason; Market effect;Event study;
    目    录
    摘    要Ⅰ
    ㈠ 提升公司股价,维护公司价值3
    ㈡ 回购社会流通股,实施股权激励 3 
    ㈢ 作为公司进行反收购的工具3
    ㈣ 配合股权分置改革,解决大股东占用公司资金问题3
    ㈤ 提高公司自由资金的使用效率4
    ㈥ 替代现金股利的发放,进行合理避税4
    ㈦ 其它原因回购股票4
    ㈠ 公开市场回购5
    ㈡ 私下协议回购 5 
    ㈢ 固定价格要约回购5
    ㈣ 荷兰式拍卖回购5
    ㈠ 样本案例的选择6
    ㈡ 申能股份回购股票的案例分析6 
    ㈢ 三川股份回购股票的案例分析11
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