    On the way to cheat the financial statements and audit strategies
    Abstract :With the booming economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics, China's market economy has been steadily improved in recent years, from 2008 to the present financial crisis sweeping the global economy, a recovery period, the reaction of corporate real financial position and operating the enterprise healthy and sustainable management is particularly important, and true, accurate financial statements for the financial position and operating the reaction is an important way.
    In this paper, existing research home and abroad, starting with the definition of fraud financial statements and other related basic theory, combined with relevant theoretical analysis and financial statement fraud occurs motive, means, whereby the proposed audit of financial statements fraud measures for the users of financial statements, the preparation and the audit staff to provide relevant methods and suggestions, which also help businesses in the current economic environment, healthy and stable development.
    Key words: Financial report, Fraud, Theoretical analysis, Auditing strategy  
    绪 论    5
    (一)    研究背景    5
    (二)    研究目的    5
    一、    财务报表舞弊的定义与理论分析    7
    (一)    财务报表舞弊的定义与危害    7
    1.    财务报表舞弊的定义    7
    2.    财务报表舞弊的危害    7
    (二)    财务报表舞弊的理论分析    8
    1.    冰山理论(二因素论)    8
    2.    三角理论(三因素论)    9
    3.    GONE理论(四因素论)    9
    二、    财务报表舞弊的动因分析    11
    (一)    取得上市资格或继续融资    11
    1.    取得上市资格    11
    2.    为了后续融资    12
    (二)    避免退市及骗取银行授信等级    12
    1.    出于被退市的考虑    12
    2.    骗取银行授信等级    13
    三、    财务报表舞弊的手段分析    14
    (一)    资产负债表项目的舞弊    14
    1.    资产类项目的舞弊    14
    2.    负债类项目的舞弊    15
    (二)    利润表项目的舞弊    15
    1.    收入项目的舞弊    15
    2.    成本与费用项目的舞弊    16
    3.    关联方交易    16
    四、    财务报表舞弊的审计策略    18
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