
    摘 要:在全球市场经济越加激烈的情况下,企业在发展过程中,更容易会遭到发展的困惑,而这些困惑的原因很大一部分是企业自身发展战略问题导致的。海源有限公司就是这样一家典型的因发展战略问题而困惑的民营生产型企业。本文以盐城市海源有限公司为例,通过平衡计分卡的理论,从企业战略的高度出发,全面分析、解决海源有限公司发展中存在的问题,以实现公司的战略目标。同时,在考虑海源有限公司固有的特性时,也考虑到了其他相类似的企业,希望通过对海源有限公司的分析,对其他相类似企业可以起到启发和借鉴。57316


    Abstrct:In the context of increasingly fierce market economy, enterprises in the process of development, are more likely to suffer from the development of confusion, and that is a big part of the reason for the confusion caused by enterprise itself development strategy problem.Sea co., LTD. Is a typical problem for development strategy and confusing private production-oriented enterprises.Taking yancheng sea co., LTD as an example, through the balanced scorecard theory, starting from the height of the enterprise strategy, comprehensive analysis, solve the problems existing in the development of sea co., LTD, in order to achieve the strategic goals of the company.At the same time, considering the sea source co., LTD., the inherent characteristics, taking into consideration the other similar enterprises, hope that through the analysis of sea co., LTD., can rise to inspiration and reference for other similar enterprises.

    Keywords: balanced scorecard,enterprise strategy,diagnose

    目   录

    1引言 4

    2平衡计分卡的理论 4

    2.1平衡计分卡的概述 4

    2.2平衡计分卡的主要内容 5

    2.3平衡计分卡对企业的意义 6

    3采用BSC对海源公司现状的分析 6

    3.1财务战略目标模糊 7

    3.2 客户定位不明确 7

    3.3企业内部流程不完善 8

    3.4缺乏学习与创新意识 8

    4采用BSC解决海源公司的措施 9

    4.1明确财务战略目标 9

    4.2正确定位客户价值 9

    4.3完善内部流程 10

    4.4加强学习与创新能力 10                                      

    结论 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14

    1引 言


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