


    The study of the impact of Internal Control on the Accounting Information Quality

    Abstract: Accounting information, which is the important base of social economy operation, Reality is the fundamental requirement for accounting information quality, But at present, accounting information distortion is a serious problem in our country: the accountancy embezzle phenomenon day by day widely accepted with spread and the authenticity of accounting information can’t be guaranteed. This result in market order confusion and consequently social problems are constantly emerging. Internal control as a system and method,which has important influence to the enterprise accounting information quality that is effective internal control can improve the quality of accounting information but inefficient internal control will give a negative impact on the quality of the accounting information, Therefore, to ease the pressure of the current accounting information distortion fundamentally, we must establish and perfect enterprise internal control. This paper firstly described present situation of the current accounting information quality, and then With "Nanfang Shares" company as an example, totally analyzes the cause of making fault, and finally come to the conclusion: In order to improve the quality of accounting information the company should establish a sound internal control system. And some proposals were put forward.

    Keywords: accounting information; the quality of accounting information; internal control system


    绪论 1

    (一)研究背景及意义 2

    (二)国内外研究现状述评 2

    1、我国研究现状述评 2

    2、国外研究现状述评 2

    (三)研究内容及方法 2

    一、内部控制与会计信息质量概念界定 4

    (一)内部控制的定义 4

    (二)会计信息质量的定义 4

    二、我国内部控制与会计信息质量现状及问题分析 5

    (一)内部控制现状及成因分析 5

    1、我国内部控制现状 5

    2、内部控制现状成因 5

    (二)会计信息质量现状及成因分析 5


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