
    摘 要:随着我国市场经济的确立和不断深化,企业集团日益成为产业结构和规模经济效益的组织形式。集团管理以财务管理为核心,企业要想在激烈的竞争中生存与发展,就必须加强财务管理,进行管理控制。当前,资金管理问题逐渐成为理论和实践研究的焦点,大型集团公司的财务与资金管理日益高度集中。通过资金集中管理可以实现对集团资金的有效管理和控制,从而充分利用和发挥集团整体资源优势,有助于构建资金集中管理体系,完善资金管理模式。因此,本文以维维集团为例对集团资金集中管理模式进行研究。探究维维集团在资金集中管理方面存在的问题以及提出解决对策,从而达到降低集团风险,提高经济效益,优化资金收支结构、降低经营风险、促进企业健康发展的目的。57380

    毕业论文关 键 词:企业集团,系统模式,资金集中管理,经营风险

    Abstract:With the establishment of market economy system and deepening of our country, enterprise group becomes the organization form of the industrial structure and scale economy benefit. Group management to financial management as the core, the enterprise to survival and development in the fierce competition, it is necessary to strengthen the financial management, management control. Currently, the problem of money management gradually become the focus of the theory and practice research, a large group company’s financial and capital management is becoming more and more highly concentrated. Through the centralized fund management can realized the effective management of group funds and control, so as to make full use of and giving full play to the advantage of the group’s overall resources, help to build a centralized fund management system, improve the capital management mode. Therefore, this article take Weiwei group as an example to study the fund centralized management mode. To explore the group in the centralized fund management problems and countermeasures, thus to achieve reduce the risk and improve the economic benefit, optimize the structure of capital balance, reduce the management risk, promote the healthy development of the enterprise purpose.

    Keywords:enterprise groups, system model, capital centralized management, management risk

    目   录

    1  引言.4

    2  维维集团发展背景及资金管理相关理论简介4

    2.1  企业集团的概念.5

    2.2  资金集中管理的概念5

    2.3  企业集团资金集中管理的特点.5

    2.4  集团资金集中管理的手段及模式选择.6

    3  维维集团资金集中管理的意义6

    3.1  有助于高度融通资金7

    3.2  有助于加速资金周转7

    3.3  有助于实现资金效益最大化8

    3.4  有助于促进内部资本市场的发展..8

    4  维维集团在资金集中管理方面存在的问题 .8

    4.1  企业缺乏资金管理意识.8

    4.2  资金管理难度较大..9

    4.3  企业监控力度不足..9

    4.4  企业资金利用率低..9

    5  解决维维集团资金集中管理的对策.10

    5.1  强化资金管理意识.10

    5.2  改善资金管理环境.10

    5.3  加强监控力度..11

    5.4  提高资金利用率11




    1  引言


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