
    摘  要:随着我国经济的不断快速增长,小微服装制造企业的重要性日益明显,小微服装制造企业已成为我国国民经济的重要组成部分。在缓解就业压力,调整产业结构,加快技术改革创新,维护社会稳定等方面发挥着巨大的作用。然而,由于小微服装制造企业受自身原因和外部因素的影响,目前发展不容乐观,本文以南京景鹰制衣有限公司为例,该公司的融资难问题,已成为制约其发展的最大瓶颈。小微服装制造企业因缺少资金而面临倒闭的数量之多。为此,我国社会各界应高度重视小微服装制造企业融资难的问题。本文对该公司的现状及原因进行深入分析,并找出一些破解该公司融资难的方法,从而促进公司持续发展。57390


    Abstract: With the rapid growth of China's economy, the importance of small clothing manufacturing enterprises is more and more obvious, small clothing manufacturing enterprises have become an important part of our national economy. In alleviating employment pressure, adjusting the industrial structure, accelerating technology innovation, it plays a significant role in maintaining the social stability. However, due to the small micro clothing manufacturing enterprises affected by their own factors and external factors, the current development is not optimistic, taking Nanjing Jingying Garment Co. Ltd as an example, the problem of financing the company has become the biggest bottleneck restricting its development. Small clothing manufacturing enterprises due to lack of funds and failing number. Therefore, our society should attach great importance to small garment manufacturing enterprise financing difficult problem.In this paper, the present situation and the reasons for the company's in-depth analysis, and find some way to break the company's financing difficulties, so as to promote the sustainable development of the company.

    Keywords:Small clothing manufacturing enterprises ,Financing, Present situation, Reason

    目  录

    1  引言 4

    2  小微服装制造企业融资的相关理论 4

    2.1  小微企业的定义 4

    2.2  小微服装制造企业的特征 4

    2.3  小微服装制造企业的作用 5

    2.4  南京景鹰制衣有限公司的简介 6

    3  南京景鹰制衣有限公司融资存在的问题 6

    3.1  融资渠道不畅 6

    3.2  融资风险高 7

    3.2  融资成本高 7

    4  南京景鹰制衣有限公司融资困境产生的原因 7

    4.1  财务制度混乱和信用水平低 7

    4.2  竞争力弱 8

    4.3  银行贷款难且融资产品单一 8

    4.4  信用担保体系不健全 8

    4.5  法律制度与政策性机构建设不完善 8

    5  解决南京景鹰制衣有限公司融资困境的对策 9

    5.1  增强信用意识和完善财务制度 9

    5.2  加快创新提升竞争力 9

    5.3  完善银行服务体系并创新融资产品 10

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