
    摘  要:融资能力是指企业可能融集资金的水平,是持续获取长期优质资本的能力。良好的融资能力能够提升企业的经济水平,增强投资者对企业的信心,促进企业的发展。然而中小企业受内部和外部因素的影响,融资能力不高,发展前景不容乐观。因此对中小企业融资能力影响因素的研究具有一定的理论价值。


    毕业论文关 键 词:中小企业,融资能力,影响因素

    Abstract:Financing ability means enterprise can raised capital level, which is the ability to obtain long-term good quality capital. Good financing ability can improve enterprise’s economic level, increase investor confidence in the enterprise, improve the development of the enterprise. However, small and medium-sized enterprise is influenced by the external and internal factors, financing ability is not high, development prospect is not optimistic. So research on the influence factor of small and medium-sized enterprise financing ability has certain theoretical value.

    In this paper we use the World Bank 2012 manufacturing of small and medium-sized enterprise questionnaire dates as samples, establish the regression model, comprehensive study enterprise ownership, enterprise scale, enterprise competitiveness and profitability factors such as the impact on small and medium-sized enterprise financing ability. The results showed that small and medium-sized enterprise ownership nationalization, enterprise scale is small, low level of enterprise competitiveness and profitability are all affected the small and medium-sized enterprise financing ability. On this basis, in order to improve the financing ability of small and medium-sized enterprises give some advice.

    Keywords: medium-sized and small enterprise, financing ability, influencing factor

    目  录

    1  引言 3

    2  中小企业融资能力的待检验命题 3

    2.1  企业的所有制性质 3

    2.2  企业的规模 4

    2.3  企业的竞争力 4

    2.4  企业的盈利能力 5

    3  中小企业融资能力的实证分析 5

    3.1  样本的选取和数据描述 6

    3.2  变量选取 6

    3.3  模型的建立 6

    3.4  实证研究的结果及分析 7

    4  提升中小企业融资能力的对策和意见 8

    4.1  通过股份制改造,完善中小企业的所有制性质 8

    4.2  建立担保机构,均衡生产要素增大企业规模 9

    4.3  提升技术水平加快产品创新,提升企业竞争力 9

    4.4  调整企业经营模式提高盈利能力 10

    结论 11

    参考文献 12


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