
    摘 要:存货管理是企业经营管理内部控制的重要环节之一,是企业实现管理经营目标、维护流动资产和固定资产的安全性与完整性、是保证企业财务收支合法性的自我调节、控制和监督管理的控制系统。本文从企业存货管理的现状出发,分析了企业在存货管理方面的现状,其中包括存在的如采购环节控制制度不健全、保管环节账实不符、库存盘点的方法不科学等问题,并针对性地提出了如健全职务分离制度、加强对存货的监管、改变库存盘点方法等措施,以期能为企业进一步的发展提供意见。65829


    Abstract:  Inventory management is one of the important link of internal control of enterprise management, the management is the enterprise realize the business objectives, the maintenance of current assets and fixed assets security and the integrity, self-regulation is to guarantee the legality of the enterprise financial revenues and expenditures, control and supervision and management of the control system. In this paper, starting from the present situation of the enterprise inventory management, the paper analyzes the current situation of enterprises in terms of inventory management, including such as purchasing control system of the existence of accounts disagreeing with physical inventory is not sound, storage link, inventory cycle counting method is not scientific problems, and puts forward such as a sound system of separation, to strengthen the supervision of the inventory, stock inventory method change, in order to provide advice for the further development of enterprises. 

    Keyword: Inventory management,  Problems,  Methods  

    目  录

    1引 言 4

    2  南通华宏电器有限公司存货管理方面的现状 4

    2.1  存货管理系统方面 4

    2.2  存货的采购成本控制方面 4

    2.3  存货计价方法方面 5

    3  南通华宏电器有限公司存货管理存在的问题 5

    3.1  采购环节控制制度不健全 5

    3.2  存货占比过大 5

    3.3  库存盘点管理不严谨 6

    3.4  低值易耗品的核算不严谨 8

    4  解决南通华宏电器有限公司存货管理问题的对策 8

    4.1  建立健全采购环节的存货管理制度 8

    4.2  加强对存货的监管 9

    4.3  加强库存盘点监管 9

    4.4  重视低值易耗品的核算 10

    结  论 12

    参 考 文 献 13

    致 谢 14

    1引 言 


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