
    摘 要:随着会计信息化的发展,更多的数据信息凭借着计算机网络的方式进行传输与处理,致使会计信息系统成为了提高企业管理效率的工具,与此同时内部控制在会计信息化的环境下也扩大了涵盖范围,发生了显著变化。内部控制作为企业治理的关键环节和经营管理的重要举措,企业有必要与时俱进不断更新规范内部控制。本文将从综述会计信息化和内部控制的内涵及关系入手,结合伊思美照明电器有限公司的会计信息化应用现状和内部控制管理现状,指出会计信息化环境下内部控制存在的问题,并提出相应解决的措施。57980


    Abstract: With the development of accounting information, more and more data will be transferred and processed by computer networks, naturally the accounting information systems has been a tool to improve enterprise management efficiency, meantime internal control also extended the functional area within the environment of accounting information, and has undergone significant changes. Internal control has been a key point of the enterprise regulation and important solution of the management, it is necessary to update the control of enterprise internal regulations with keeping the pace of times. This article will summarize the connotation and relationship between internal control and accounting information, combining the YISIMEI Lighting Company Ltd., internal management status and the current situation of accounting information, it points out that the problems within internal control of accounting information environment and presents the solutions as well.

    Keywords: accounting information, internal control, accounting information systems

    目  录

    1  引言 4

    1.1  会计信息化的内涵 4

    1.2  内部控制的概述 4

    1.3  会计信息化和内部控制的关系 5

    2  常州伊思美照明电器有限公司概况 5

    2.1  公司简介 5

    2.2  组织架构 5

    2.3  会计信息化应用现状 6

    3  伊思美公司会计信息化下内部控制存在的问题 6

    3.1  对会计信息化的认识不到位 6

    3.2  缺乏复合型会计信息化人才 7

    3.3  风险评估意识薄弱 7

    3.4  内部监督机制弱化 7

    3.5  会计信息失真问题 8

    3.6  职责分工不明确 8

    4  对于常州伊思美公司内部控制的建议及对策 8

    4.1  提高对会计信息化重要性的认识 8

    4.2  重视复合型会计人才的培养 9

    4.3  增强风险评估与控制 9

    4.4  加强内部监督 10

    4.5  优化会计信息化系统 10

    4.6  完善组织结构设置与职权分配 11

    结  论 12

    参考文献 13

    致  谢 14

    1  引言

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