
    摘 要如今互联网+这个概念已经对我们的社会产生深远的影响,而且对传统的生产方法和管理理念产生了巨大的冲击。现今的企业集团,已经越来越重视资金管理的重要性,因为对于一家企业而言,资金就如同是人体中的血液,需要通过不断的流动和周转才能维持生命,一旦资金的流动出现减缓或者停止,这家企业便会面临风险,这就意着资金的集中管理是企业集团里核心的关键之处。但对于传统的资金集中管理模式而言,它们已经很难在如今的互联网浪潮下顺应企业的资金管理的需要。在这种情况下,我们就需要融合互联网+和传统资金集中管理模式,结合互联网+的优势和特点来弥补传统的资金集中管理的不足,让互联网+这一工具为企业集团达到资金的集中管理的目的,释放出企业集团资金的流动性。本文将通过研究对比原有资金管理模式的优缺点,探索互联网+应用的特点,思考互联网+如何改善传统资金集中管理。58682


    Funds Central Management with Internet Plus:From Cash Pooling to the Liquidity


    Internet Plus now this concept has a profound impact on our society, and the traditional production methods and management philosophy had a huge impact. Today's enterprise group, has been increasing emphasis on the importance of money management, because for a company, the capital is like blood in the human body needs to sustain life through continuous flow and working capital in order to, once liquidity slowed down or stop, this company will be at risk, so money management is one of the core system across the group in the information system. But the traditional model of centralized management of funds is concerned, they have been far unable to adapt to the Internet era financial management needs of large enterprise groups. In this case, we need to integrate Internet + traditional centralized fund management model, combined Internet + advantages and characteristics to compensate for the lack of traditional centralized management of funds, so that the Internet + enterprise groups centralized fund management services, to achieve the enterprise Objective Group centralized management of funds. This article will compare the advantages and disadvantages of the original fund management model through research, exploring the Internet + application features, thinking how to improve the Internet + traditional centralized management of funds.

    Keywords:Internet Plus; Cash Management; Cash Pooling; The Liquidity 


    0 引言 1

    1 资金集中管理工具及其发展 1

    1.1 资金集中管理概述 1

    1.2 资金集中管理工具 2

    1.2.1 结算中心 2

    1.2.2 内部银行 2

    1.2.3 财务公司 3

    1.2.4 现金池 3

    2 原有现金池的优势及其不足 4

    2.1 原有现金池的优势 4

    2.1.1 利息成本的降低 5

    2.1.2 获取最大的资金回报 5

    2.1.3 改善整个集团的资金管理水平 6

    2.2 原有现金池的不足 6

    2.2.1 母公司,子公司以及银行之间信息沟通阻塞 6

    2.2.2 母公司的决策预算能力与子公司的执行能力存在冲突

  1. 上一篇:安徽嘉柏俪服装公司企业固定资产管理研究
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