
    摘要近年来,世界范围内的证监会及媒体陆续曝光出有舞弊行为的上市公司,而在世通、安然等一系列财务舞弊事件之后,人们更加深刻地意识到内部控制在整个企业管理体系中的重要性,改善公司治理问题日渐被人们关注,董事会特征与内部控制信息披露质量的关系成为研究的重点。因此,本文以2009 年至2012 年沪深两市A 股上市公司为样本,以上市公司是否发布最新内部控制自我评价报告为衡量标准对内部控制信息披露质量进行评级,通过对董事会管理层的各项信息及内部控制信息披露情况的全面搜集,包括董事会人口的性别、学历、职称水平等,通过回归分析研究了上市公司董事会设置与内部控制信息披露之间的关系。60094

    关键词  董事会特征  内部控制信息质量  公司治理

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Demographic Characteristics of Directors and the    Disclosure of Internal Control                                          

    Abstract In recent years, SFC and the media worldwide have exposed a lot of listed companies corrupt conduce. People become more deeply aware of the importance of the internal control take in the entire enterprise management system after WorldCom, Enron and other series of financial fraud. People now show more concern on improving corporate governance and improving the relationship between the company’s board characteristics and financial fraud has become the focus of the study. Therefore, on basis of the Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies from 2009 to 2012, classification the quality of the information disclosure of internal control by researching if the companies have published the internal control self-assessment report, by gathering comprehensive information on the management of the Board of Directors and internal control information disclosure, including gender, education, job level, etc. I researched the relationship between the set of list companies’ board directors and the information disclosure of internal control.

    Keywords  Characteristics of Board of Directors; The Quality of Internal Control Information; Corporate Governance

     目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究思路与研究方法 1

    1.2.1  研究思路 1

    1.2.2  研究方法 1

    文献综述 3

    2.1  国外研究现状 3

    2.2  国内研究现状 3

    2.3 相关文献述评 4

    3  理论分析与研究假设 6

    3.1 理论分析 6

    3.2 研究假设 6

    4  研究设计 9

    4.1 样本选择和数据来源 9

    4.2 变量设计 9

    5  实证分析 11

    5.1 描述性统计 11

    5.2 相关性分析 12

    5.3 回归分析 14

    6  政策建议与展望 16

    6.1 政策建议 16

    6.2 文章局限与展望

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