


    Abstract: Since the practice of independent directors institution in listed companies is not long, its development is not mature enough and still could not meet our expectation. It is highly argued whether independent directors are independent to a certain extent. There are many factors which have a negative impact on the degree of independence. Among them, independent directors compensation is the key point. The author of this thesis applied multi-dimensional linear regression of statistical method to further research on the determinants of independent directors compensation by the evidence from 57 listed companies of Shanghai in 2012, and produced an empirical conclusion that the size of the listed company, the key factors that influenced independent director’s compensation. Finally according to the empirical conclusion, the author gave some advice concerned to listed companies of Shanghai in order to make independent directors more available and sharpen competitive edge on the part of the company.

    Key Words: independent directors,compensation,determinants

    目 录

    1.  引 言 4

    2.  理论综述 4

    2.1  现行独立董事薪酬模式 4

    2.2  独立董事薪酬与独立性的辩证关系 6

    3.  文献综述和相关假设 6

    3.1  独立董事薪酬与公司的关系 7

    3.2  独立董事薪酬与独立董事自身的关系 9

    4.  模型构建及数据来源 9

    4.1  数据采集 9

    4.2  变量解释 10

    4.3  描述性分析 10

    4.4  模型构建 13

    5.  实证结果及分析 13

    5.1  模型拟合度检验 13

    5.2  回归分析结果 13

    6.  完善独立董事薪酬制度的建议 15

    6.1  完善独立董事的激励机制 15

    6.2  侧重选聘机制的年龄条件 16

    6.3  改善股权结构 16

     结论 17

    参考文献 18

    致谢 19

    1.  引 言


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